Prompt: 087. Sleeping Beauty

Prompt: 087. Sleeping Beauty

1. The story of the so-called “Sleeping Beauty” was an interesting one. A young woman dressed in a historically accurate medieval gown, surrounded by flowers, found unconscious in a city park.

A. The story of the so-called “Sleeping Beauty” was an interesting one. A young woman dressed in a historically accurate medieval gown, surrounded by flowers, found unconscious in a city park. People were interested.

Donations were gathered to pay for the woman’s medical care. Her image was spread far and wide as volunteers kept up the search for anyone that knew her identity. She was a beautiful mystery, one that people were desperate to solve.

2. Being a third grade teacher wasn’t as easy as she’d thought it would be. Especially when it came time for the class play, a version of Sleeping Beauty that had been written by a previous teacher.

A. Being a third grade teacher wasn’t as easy as she’d thought it would be. Especially when it came time for the class play, a version of Sleeping Beauty that had been written by a previous teacher. Just reading the script made her wince. The writing was terrible, and there were some problematic elements that she couldn’t believe existed in the first place.

She asked the principal if some changes could be made, and her request was denied. The play had been a yearly school tradition for close to twenty-two years. The play was to be performed as written.

3. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. It’s time to start your first day in hell.”

A. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. It’s time to start your first day in hell.”

Roland groaned and opened his eyes to slits. The last thing he remembered, he was in a bar with some friends, celebrating his cousin’s birthday. Now he was in what looked to be a large dormitory filled with cots, foot lockers, and what looked like a dozen other men dressing and making up their cots.

He sat up, glad to find that he was still fully dressed. He even had his shoes on. Someone had simply thrown a drab green blanket over him.

“Where am I?” he asked.

“You’re in the army. That’s where you are and where you’re going to stay.”

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