Prompt: 079. ghost hunt

Prompt: 079. ghost hunt

1. Being the host of a TV show about ghost hunting was something he had stumbled into after college.

A. Being the host of a TV show about ghost hunting was something he had stumbled into after college. One of his professors hooked him up with someone she knew, and two weeks later he was standing in front of a camera talking seriously about tracking down “spectral oddities” and getting ready to enter an abandoned warehouse with a camera crew.

Over time he adapted an on-screen personality that was just enough of his real self that he didn’t feel completely fake, but that was also enthused at the prospect of getting digital proof of ghosts.

2. The town council called in the paranormal police when people started dying. On arrival they quickly arranged a ghost hunt, something the once quiet town had never experienced before.

A. The town council called in the paranormal police when people started dying. On arrival they quickly arranged a ghost hunt, something the once quiet town had never experienced before, but that they were willing to try if it stopped the haunting.

There was a sense of relief in being told what to do. The paranormal police seemed to know what they were doing as they sharpened their ceremonial blades, gathered the sacrificial animals, and began mixing paint powder and oil together to paint the protective runes on everyone involved with the hunt.

3. The baying of the hounds and the howling of the werewolves was her first warning that the Ghost Hunt was passing through her neighborhood. She could hear the riders out on the street, dragging people out of their homes.

A. The baying of the hounds and the howling of the werewolves was her first warning that the Ghost Hunt was passing through her neighborhood. She could hear the riders out on the street, dragging people out of their homes. There were screams and sounds of violence that made her cringe away from the bedroom window.

She grabbed her favorite blanket off the end of the bed and wrapped it around herself before climbing into the wardrobe. She sat down and wrapped her arms around her knees as she tried to breathe as quietly as possible. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she could feel her pulse fluttering at her throat.

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