Prompt: 072. no exit

Prompt: 072. no exit

1. There was no exit from the game; once a player entered their name they played to either death or victory.

A. The audience was eerily quiet as they watched the contestants gather at the front of the auditorium. As their names were called one-by-one, the contestants would step forward and bow before lining up before the Custodian. They would be taken to The Island where they would begin training.

For many of the family members in the audience, this would be their last time seeing their loved ones. There was no exit from the game; once a player entered their name they played to either death or victory.

2. Keeping their eyes focused straight ahead was made difficult by the signs passing by on either side. “NO EXIT” was repeated several times, compounding the idea that going back was not an option.

A. Keeping their eyes focused straight ahead was made difficult by the signs passing by on either side. “NO EXIT” was repeated several times, compounding the idea that going back was not an option.

Led in a circuitous route down sloping corridors that seemed to go on for hours, they passed by a handful of sealed doors before reaching their destination. Someone at the back of the group whimpered but was quickly hushed.

3. The protesters filling the parking lot marched in a circle with picket signs and tee shirts that read “NO EXIT” and “UNFAIR” in big red letters.

A. The protesters filling the parking lot marched in a circle with picket signs and tee shirts that read “NO EXIT” and “UNFAIR” in big red letters. A young woman stood at the front of the crowd with a microphone in her hand, chanting slogans and keeping the energy levels up.

Someone beat a slow ThuMmThuMmThuMm beat on a beautifully handcrafted drum. It had been a journeyman’s graduating work. Now it was becoming part of history. It was the beating heart behind every documentary or news report

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