Allies & Enemies at Amazon

1. The black ink smeared the instant she turned the page. The cheap gel ink refused to stick to the paper.

A. The black ink smeared the instant she turned the page. The cheap gel ink refused to stick to the paper. All of the notes she’d taken so far were useless and the professor was still talking. He’d said that all of this material would be on the test.

She bit back a curse and fumbled in her bag for a pen that would work. She really didn’t want to have to look up everything from today online. Especially as she was already struggling to keep up in class.

2. It was easy to change some of the information on the forms as she’d used a gel ink pen instead of the recommended ball point pen.

A. It was easy to change some of the information on the forms as she’d used a gel ink pen instead of the recommended ball point pen. With a few extra smears and ink blobs here and there, suddenly the information began looking a bit different. Hopefully the bureaucrats that processed the forms would just figure she’d used a messy pen and not that anyone had tampered with her answers. Because why would anyone?

She had a clean criminal record and had been instilled with a firm sense of right and wrong. Nobody would ever suspect her.

If she’d still been alive.

3. Chewing on a gel ink pen hadn’t been the best idea. Now there was ink all down his chin and the front of his shirt.

A. Chewing on a gel ink pen hadn’t been the best idea. Now there was ink all down his chin and the front of his shirt.

He hunched his shoulders and pretended not to hear the girl in the seat across from him laugh. He wanted to believe that she was laughing at something else, but he accidentally caught her eye in passing, and she was definitely laughing at his predicament. It made his ears burn.

All Systems Red at Amazon

Post thumbnail

I’m so mad. Our postal driver refuses to deliver packages to us — leaving a note saying we have to go to the post office to get what we ordered. Which is annoying enough, but what really pisses me off is that we always have to wait until the next day. I can’t just walk to the post office and get my stuff now.

And I was really looking forward to getting the Sakura Pigma Micron pens I ordered:(

I’ve been drawing and I really want to start sharing, but even the Ultra Fine Point Sharpie I’ve been using blobs too much and the lines aren’t fine enough. It makes me very sad *wipes away a tear*

ink drawing ft flower blossoms, beads

So tomorrow morning it’s going to be a trek to the post office, and then I’ll see if the Sakura outliner pens are worth all the hype. (I hope they are!)

And if I get really good at drawing (or at least moderately okay, this is non-drawing me after all) I’ll be printing out some cool things and mailing them out. Things like bookmarks, greeting/postcards, etc., so if anyone buys a book direct from me, I can have something cool to throw in extra as a “Thanks for reading me”. Plus I’m kind of looking forward to the idea of doing a holiday card exchange or something.

At the very least, I want the Kid to be able to hand out cards at the end of the year to his teachers and the school staff thanking them for their hard work. They had to put up with him all year after all, and he’s noted for his inability to sit still.

* * *

Also, still working on HVU. There should be another update really late tonight/early Saturday morning. If the program doesn’t crap out on me again. Though I’ve found that if I publish as an html file in between working on it, even if the program crashes, my stuff is still saved.

“What? Saving your work?” – I know. My mind was completely blown.

I’m also still planning out the Ren’Py version of HVU. It’s part of the reason why I took up drawing after all, as I would like to have some artwork for people to stare at.

I love a good text-based game as much as the next person, but even Oregon Trail had the little tombstones to look at when the “You’ve died” message popped up.

So here’s to hoping that I get good enough that my game doesn’t suck.

ink drawing of flower blossoms and leaves; some parts colored in with colored pencil

A City On Mars at Amazon

Prompt: 076. rubber boots

1. It was only the rubber boots that saved her life when the lightning struck.

A. It was only the rubber boots that saved her life when the lightning struck. Not because the rubber absorbed the electricity or anything, but because she stopped to pour the water out of her right boot. Otherwise she would have been walking with the rest of the group and not standing yards away when the sizzling crackle of primeval force hit the ground between them and burned through the underground roots of a nearby tree, scorching a pattern into the earth.

When the smoke cleared and she could see again, she almost wished that she’d gone blind.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse lived beneath an old rubber boot that had been lost beneath a bush in the garden.

A. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse lived beneath an old rubber boot that had been lost beneath a bush in the garden. The child it had belonged to had long since returned home from visiting Grandma and Grandpa. With peace and quiet restored to the garden, the young mouse couple hadn’t hesitated to move into such a perfect nest, once they’d made a few modifications.

They gnawed through the rubber and dug a tunnel into the ground below. It a was relief to their animal instincts to have an escape route if they needed one, though they preferred to nest in the boot as it reminded them of home.

It was in the boot that Mrs. Mouse birthed their first litter of ten pups though they were raised in the warren of tunnels below.

3. “The size and shape of the footprints indicate the suspect was wearing rubber rain boots.”

A. “The size and shape of the footprints indicate the suspect was wearing rubber rain boots.”

“We’re not going to get much with these footprints, are we?”

“No. These have a generic tread pattern and no abnormalities in the rubber. They’re the kind of thing people pick up in a supercenter while buying groceries.”

4. Upon finding an old pair of rubber boots in the garage, she set about turning them into DIY flower pots.

A. Upon finding an old pair of rubber boots in the garage, she set about turning them into DIY flower pots. First she sprayed the inside of the boots with cooking spray, then she mixed up a batch of quick-drying concrete and filled them up midway before inserting a large plastic cup with a dowel poked through the bottom. She pushed the cup down until the top was level with the boot rim, then filled the boot the rest of the way to the top with concrete.

“Now what are you going to do?”

She smiled over her shoulder. “I’ll let the concrete dry, then cut the boot off and voila. Two boot-shaped flower pots with dowel-made drainage holes. They’ll be super cute.”