Prompt: 082. literacy signs

1. The large poster had “Learn to read” above the image of an open book with smaller text below proclaiming, “Reading opens a new world.” The education committee had been leaving literacy signs all over the city and this batch had appeared since yesterday.

A. The large poster had “Learn to read” above the image of an open book with smaller text below proclaiming, “Reading opens a new world.” The education committee had been leaving literacy signs all over the city and this batch had appeared since yesterday.

It seemed as though everywhere a person looked, there was a sign. A mandate. A plea with a corresponding reward. It all seemed strangely normal considering they were a city under siege.

2. There were signs of growing literacy in the local community. It made the traders worried for their profit margins as the ability to read could disrupt the upcoming contract negotiations.

A. There were signs of growing literacy in the local community. It made the traders worried for their profit margins as the ability to read could disrupt the upcoming contract negotiations.

A meeting was arranged where someone floated the idea of sabotaging the education efforts. There was mention of the Homeless Youth Center and the headmistress offering free reading lessons to anyone willing to learn. It was suggested that she be made to disappear.

3. If the many signs were to be believed, adult literacy was of serious concern.

A. Daniella wasn’t sure what to think. If the many signs were to be believed, adult literacy was of serious concern. But she didn’t think there were any adults in her life that couldn’t read.

Every day she stared at the posters between the glass walls of the bus stop. There was a literacy sign facing inside and one facing outside, so whether she was leaning against the post or sheltering from the rain, she was always looking at one of those signs.

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Emergency rally in New York at 6:00 p.m. EST:
Rep. Dan Donovan’s Staten Island Office,
265 New Dorp Lane

He’s deciding people’s medical future. Talking about defunding Planned Parenthood and the repealing of the Affordable Care Act.

He’s voting tomorrow. So if you live in New York, this could be your last chance to save your medical insurance or the medical insurance of someone you know.

You could make the life of someone else easier. Raise your voice so we can all be heard.

“We are here! We are here! Don’t hurt us just because you’re powerful and we’re small to you. We are here!”

Guess this isn’t needed. He says he’s voting “No.”

You no longer have to be worried. He’s got your back.

Though if I were you, I’d still show up at the rally. Show your signs to the cameras, tweet the pics of cool signs and masses of peoples’ backs, and show the Republicans that Yes, the American people are concerned about affordable healthcare.

Yes, even though corporations, rich people, and ignorant people say otherwise, we would prefer to have affordable health insurance and price caps without care caps.

Yes, we would prefer to choose when, how, and if we have children. And Yes, when those children are alive, we would prefer that they be happy, healthy, educated, and protected by the same laws as their richer brethren.


Seriously, yo. The stuff that’s going on in the United States right now has me very concerned. Not just because of international incidents and the threat of war looming with Russia and North Korea. But because when it’s all said and done, we might find our country’s infrastructure and reputation ruined.

Already, rather than the easy trip to college I was hoping for, the Kid is looking at a hard road ahead. And sure, he’s smart enough that he’ll be able to get a scholarship *fingers-crossed* but if ham-fisted diplomacy results in a war, it’s likely that his is a generation of young men and women that will spend their late teens and twenties fighting in wars that never should have been started.

And that’s terrifying. Because I don’t want him to die.

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Prompt: 081. candy canes

1. “Look Daddy, a big candy cane!” the boy cried, pointing at the red and white barber pole.

A. “Look Daddy, a big candy cane!” the boy cried, pointing at the red and white barber pole.

“No, sweetie, that’s not a candy cane. That’s a sign for the barber shop,” he said.

“‘Barber shop’? Like where we got haircuts last time?”

“That’s exactly right. Come here, kiddo. It looks like there’s a lot of people up ahead. I’ll carry you.”

2. Every night she added new candy canes to the Christmas tree to replace the ones they’d eaten during the day.

A. Every night she added new candy canes to the Christmas tree to replace the ones they’d eaten during the day. To the children, it seemed as though the tree replenished its store of candy canes through some form of holiday magic. It added to their delight as they tore through the house in a mass of siblings and cousins, dodging around the legs of the grown ups.

Cheery music came from the wireless radio in a constant stream from eight in the morning until eleven o’clock at night with an hour interruption each day for the Children’s Radio Hour. It was the only moment of peace amongst the children, as they gathered on the rug, hushing each other and falling under the spell of the radio stars.

3. He was dressed like a sexy elf in shiny green booty shorts and a matching half shirt. His eyes smoldered seductively as he sucked on the candy cane in his hand.

A. He was dressed like a sexy elf in shiny green booty shorts and a matching half shirt. His eyes smoldered seductively as he sucked on the candy cane in his hand. He was every wet dream given form, with lips and abs and muscular thighs.

He was also printed on a calendar.

December’s favorite elf hung on the patch of wall next to the fridge with 31 days spread out below him. The first twelve days each had a red X crossed through it, and the 20th had been circled with “Meet Qt.” written in it.

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I started a bunch of vegetable seeds two weeks ago, and I seem to have gone a bit overboard with the lettuce. So sometime starting in late April-early May I’m going to be harvesting bunches of lettuce.

Also expect there to be tons of lettuce drawings. Otherwise, what a waste. I mean, it’s so much lettuce. What am I supposed to do with it all? Eat it?


I ordered a copy of “Drawing and Painting Beautiful Faces with Jane Davenport” from Amazon. I really like it so far, though I’m still a bit away from making anything that looks good-good versus “looks like people”-ish amateur sketchery. Still, I’m going to keep trying.

This is my first drawing colored


I’m hoping that I get better ^_^;