Disability Visibility at Amazon
An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

Kanon-Darkstar goes to the care facility after ALL THAT REMAINS (beginning of JUST ANOTHER TITANIC TUESDAY) and looks at Warrick Tobias. Darkstar is dressed in normal clothes and has his powers dampened.

DARKSTAR "You could have been my happiness," he says to the unresponsive face. He’s saddened by what might have been.

"Another time, another place. We could have been happy."

It hurt to think about, the might-have-been meeting the never-was.

He’d seen some version of himself immersed in a happiness he’d never dreamed of having for himself.

He’d been broken too young, by his mother’s brittle strength and his father’s human weakness. He’d asked that other-him about that terrible Black Friday when they were 14…

The look had been blank confusion and he’d almost been angry. That his life had been so terribly torn asunder and that other-him had gotten to live happily ever after.

But then he’d allowed himself to be simply glad that some version of him somewhere was happy.

Witch King at Amazon

"All That Remains" is the third book in my Heroes & Villains trilogy. (Heroes & Villains; Allies & Enemies; All That Remains.) The series is basically the story of how Vereint Georges (Starburst/Darkstar) gets together with Warrick Reidenger Tobias (Blue Ice) and they make a life together before aliens show up to ruin everything.

There’s a bit of violence. And Vereint becomes a supervillain.

The series on Smashwords: Heroes & Villains (https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/49385)

The separate books on Amazon (affiliate-link):
* Heroes & Villains (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08MQKS5CD/?tag=harperkingsley-20)
* Allies & Enemies (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082HZNJBV/?tag=harperkingsley-20)

Spoiler alert: Caspian Dukes, 1/2 Atlantean superhero, gains a sidekick in "All That Remains." Some kid he meets at the very beginning.


Title: All That Remains<br>
Author: Harper Kingsley<br>
Setting: Heroes & Villains universe<br>
Characters: Caspian Dukes, Nick Joseph


There was the acrid stink of smoke filling the air, accompanied by the screams and desperate cries of the hurt and dying. The street in front of Caspian Dukes was a wreckage of twisted metal where dozens of vehicles had collided.

He felt helpless. Tragedy had already struck and he didn’t know how they could clear away this mess. His mouth tasted sour with failure.

One hour ago he was eating a food truck taco and contemplating a nap. Now he was looking at a triage situation he didn’t feel up to handling.

The lifestyle was wearing him down. Statistically speaking, most superheroes retired out of the field by their tenth year of active duty. He’d been doing this job for close to thirty.

He didn’t think he was quite ready to retire, but he might cut back on some duty shifts. He wouldn’t do anyone any good if he let himself burn out.

Maybe it’s time for a nice vacation, he thought. Surf, sand, and a chance to get my gills wet.

Just the thought of immersing himself in the ocean soothed some of the tension out of his shoulders. Enough that he was able to focus on the task at hand.

As the old timers had said, the ocean always called their people home in the end.

"All right, boys and girls, the situation has changed," Caspian called out. "It’s time to focus on cleaning up the mess rather than making it. I want each of you to pair up with an Emergency Services team. It’s search and rescue time. Follow the orders of the ES team leader and be careful, safe, and smart. Understood?"

The Junior League members answered in unison, "Yes, sir!" There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation as they rushed forward to rescue the wounded and comfort the dying. They were strong as a unit, even the ones that had never worked together.

Smart, loyal, and quick to follow the orders of their superiors–they were a good bunch of kids and Caspian felt proud watching them swarm the scene. Maybe he was getting old, but the new League members looked younger to him every year. He couldn’t remember a time when he was ever so young and eager to please. There was a part of him that secretly wanted to wrap them up in bubble wrap and deliver them back to their parents safe and sound. Which was ridiculous because they were competent professionals that wouldn’t appreciate his babying.

He shook his head and stalked forward to do his part. People needed help.

Trusting that the Juniors would know to give him a yell if they needed him, he helped a couple of Emergency Service officers by ripping the stuck passenger side door off of a car that had been crumpled like a tin can in the fist of a giant. A single peek through the window showed that the driver–a young woman with blood darkened hair shrouding her face–was dead, but the man next to her was weakly struggling with his seatbelt, his dazed eyes unable to focus. He seemed frantic to reach the toddler screaming in the backseat.

"Hold on, buddy," Caspian said. "Don’t try to move."

He stepped out of the way of the rescue workers and their backboard, wishing that the car had been a four-door so he could get to the kid. She was unharmed, though the shock of the crash had turned to terror of the unknown. Interspersed with her shrieks were what sounded like the words "Mama!" and "Dada!" and he couldn’t help feeling sorry for her as only one of them was ever going to answer.

Once the father was out of the way and being loaded onto a gurney, Caspian was quick to pull the toddler out of her car seat, turning her so she didn’t get a good look at her mother’s body. "Sh, sh, it’s all right," he murmured, patting her back and giving her a quick once over.

Her small hands fisted against the front of his uniform and her shrieks trailed into hiccuping cries. Her head moved back and forth, trying to see where "Dada!" had gone, but Caspian kept her turned away from where the paramedics worked. There was quite a bit of blood and he didn’t want to traumatize her more than she already was.

Looking around, he knew she was going to have plenty to talk about with her future therapist. She’d lost her mother, and her father was probably going to be spending some time in the hospital.

"Here, I’ll take her." Caspian turned to look at the man that had spoken. He was wearing an Emergency Service uniform along with a Megacity Mavens baseball cap. "You’ve got other stuff to handle."

"Thanks," Caspian said. He carefully passed the toddler over, reining in his strength. He’d feel terrible if he accidentally hurt her, especially after everything she’d experienced.

Stepping away from the totaled car, he looked around to see where he was needed. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to what he was seeing, like some horrible optical illusion coming into focus.

The street was a scene of damage and destruction. The epicenter was three low buildings set close together. From the way the awning had been blown across the street from the middle building–with its plaster pillars shattered and broken mirrors everywhere–Caspian thought it had been the main site of the disaster.

There was a ten-year-old boy seated on the curb, a vacant expression on his dirty face. He was cradling something in his hands and his dark brown hair was nearly white on top from plaster dust. When he glanced up at Caspian’s approach, his eyes were a startling shade of blue. It was such a striking sight that Caspian hitched his step.

"Hey, kid." Caspian didn’t bother faking a smile. The situation was too raw to be made light of. "Do you know what happened here?"

The boy looked up at him. His hands shifted and Caspian briefly glimpsed the watch that he held. The glass face had a crack running through it and there was plaster dust caught in the band. "It was Becky. She said that she wasn’t feeling good. Then all this happened."

"I see. And who is Becky?" Caspian asked. The first responders would have gathered the information on their arrival, but it didn’t hurt to get a firsthand account when he could.

"She’s a girl in my class." The boy rubbed the back of his hand under his nose. "She’s dead now. Can I call my dad? I want to go home."

"It will be a little while," Caspian said. "You’re going to have to be patient."

The boy hunched his shoulders with a sigh. "Okay."

"Can you tell me what you saw?" Caspian asked.

"We were coming out of the Museum of Mirrors when Becky started saying she wasn’t feeling good," the boy said. "She wanted to get some air. I saw her leaving and Ms. Mailey following after her. And then a little bit later there was a loud noise outside. And then the wall and the ceiling were falling on us."

Caspian sat on his heels, bringing them closer in height. "Is that when you Manifested?"

The boy looked down at his dirty hands. His mouth moved soundlessly and Caspian could practically see the thoughts moving behind his eyes. "N-no. It’s not all the time, but I’m strong."

"I see," Caspian said. "What’s your name?"

"Nick. Nick Joseph."

"Well, it’s good to meet you, Nick Joseph. You saved the lives of your classmates." And it wasn’t an exaggeration. The kid had kept his classmates and their chaperones from being crushed. "You saved your friends."

"I guess so."

"You did," Caspian said. "You’re a real hero."

Nicky was scared. He didn’t think his dad would get mad at him for taking off his power dampening watch, but he didn’t know. He’d acted before he’d thought.

The ceiling had been falling and he’d taken his watch off. It had felt so easy to push the button and turn off the dampening effect.

He couldn’t just stand to one side while his classmates were killed, not when he could do something to save them. But he’d exposed himself as a metahuman. His dad was going to be disappointed.

It wasn’t like his dad had wanted him to come on this trip in the first place. He’d had to beg and plead and get Father to help talk Dad around. And look what happened.

He turned the watch over in his hands and put it back on his wrist. The crack in the watch face was ugly but shouldn’t stop the device from working. He pressed the button on the side.

It immediately felt as though the brightness level of the world was clicked down two notches. Sound dampened and he felt some of the tightness leave his shoulders (everything had been so loud and sharp). He was feeling shaky and the last thing he wanted to do was pass out in front of someone like Caspian Dukes.

"I need to eat something," he said. "I have diabetes."