Witch King at Amazon

I have done absolutely nothing today but watch TV while surfing the internet.  That’s what I usually do in my downtime, then it takes me a couple of days to get back into the swing of things.

Basically, I write 8400 words a day for 20 days.  Then I do a quick edit of what I wrote (the longer one comes later, but it goes faster if I’ve already cleaned up the worst of the mess.)  Then I take a few days to just lounge around and decompress.  I eat, sleep, watch TV, read porn (k/d), and play videogames (I love to kill stuff on “Dante’s Inferno,” or go brainless with “Spongebob.”)  I spend those few days living like the slacker teenager I barely remember.

Then I get back to work and start the cycle all over again.

Faizel 02 at Amazon

I’m kind of excited.  Last night I sold my first copy of “Heroes & Villains,” and today I sold my first copy of “Blood Wine.”

I just love the thought that people are reading things that I’ve written and I hope that they like them :crossed fingers:  Not that I would stop writing–it’s something that I’ve always done–but I would probably cry myself to sleep or something else equally dramatic 🙂

So I would just like to take a moment to thank the first purchasers of my writings, and anyone else that would like to follow their great example 😉

Allies & Enemies at Amazon

I am so frustrated.  I’ve been hard at work on “Panic Pure,” yet I guess I managed to hit the wall without realizing it.  I’ve got everything all sketched out in my notes, but I’m stuck right in the middle.  It really kind of sucks.

I guess my best course of action is to take a step back, work on something else for a few days, and let my brain rest.  So that’s why I’ve decided to focus on my series of shorts.

Hopefully I can finish Panic soon.