I totally can’t wait for the Venture Brothers 3 hour marathon. Hopefully it’ll be followed by a whole new season ’cause I’ve been jonesing for a fix. Also, politely request new episodes of “Metalocalypse,” “Robot Chicken,” and “Boondocks.”

Trivia: The character of “Hank” in “Heroes & Villains” is loosely based on Hank Venture. I picture a Hankish character wearing a semi-punk outfit and a typical Hank pouty attitude. It makes me very happy.

Disability Visibility at Amazon

NOVELLAS: Well, I’m finishing up “H&V: The Wedding,” and I’m outlining “Masquerade.” I’ve tossed “Token” on the back burner for now, but it’s still totally a priority. “Modern Gothic” decided to be a bitchy little story, so I’ve it standing in the corner in time out–just until it knows who’s boss (hopefully me ^_^).

NOVELS: At the top of the list is “The Panic Pure,” which I’m steadily grinding away at (doesn’t that sound kind of dirty?) Next is “Emily,” which is all sketched out. Then there’s “Gentle Is the Night,” which is mostly done.

And of course, just when I thought I had everything under control… my brain decided to spew out another story, and it’s just so good that I’ve kind of moved it up toward the top of every list. It’s not a very long piece, so keep an eye out for “Bastian,” a m/m romance, coming soon.

So basically, what are the two next things? “Bastian” and “Masquerade.” Neither one is super long.

Allies & Enemies at Amazon

Pulse  Now available! Get it at Amazon or Smashwords for $0.99.

Features: amnesiac girl, superheroes, superheroines, the Flame Burst, Blue Ice, the Teen Demis, Psion, danger, excitement, and more! Extras: plenty of teen angst and near death experiences. 50,000+ words of thrills, chills, and excitement!

(Author does not 100% guarantee that you will be either thrilled or chilled, though there is excitement.)

Hogfather at Amazon

Watching “The Amazing World of Gumball” and I can’t help thinking that I could make this show. The production values must be ridiculously low.

Hm, making flash movies and little cutout movies sounds like a really fun thing to do. I’m also thinking about making some book trailers, though I don’t know.