I hate doing research!!! Okay, honestly, I had a good time this time 🙂 Especially when it included watching a bunch of soap operas and flipping through magazines. That is truly the kind of research that I enjoy. I’m so lazy.

My little sideline, “Maple Leaf,” is coming along very nicely and I’m tentatively hopeful that people will like it.

It’s not usually my thing and I think most people would be kind of surprised that I’m actually that “sweet and sensitive” because I totally come across as HARDCORE! Okay, not that hardcore, but a bit hardcore. Or at least like an emotionless robot.

OMG, just saw this Quicken Loan commercial. “Will you marry me?” The girl has a shocked, maybe happy expression, then she lowers her hand from covering her mouth and it’s more a “Oh crap, what now” expression. “I’m sorry, no. I think we should see other people. Especially your best friend.” Made me laugh, even though it was kind of stupid. Still, I bet in a couple of years he’ll be grateful that at least she was honest about it and didn’t wait to tell him until after they were married or even after he blew a ton of money on a gigantic wedding.

Faizel 02 at Amazon

Post thumbnail

Wow, “Echo” has been a really big hit. I am honestly surprised.

It is set to be included in “The Brownstone Diaries,” which will also contain “Bastian,” “Topping,” and the tentatively titled “Ai-Go” which will be released probably around mid-2012. Each story will be released separately as ebooks, since they are all novella length, then they’ll be printed together. I just didn’t think it would be worth it to have them all be their own separate TPB considering the cost of production for a paper book.

Still, Echo has done so well that I have made it into a TPB (only 80 pages!) and it is available for $5.99, which really isn’t so bad. I just thought that more readers should have an opportunity to check it out, and it’s perfect for me to include in giveaways and such.

I couldn’t list it on Amazon without raising the price, but you can find it at its own page here==> ECHO

Disability Visibility at Amazon

I was writing like crazy mad for the last two days and I did it. I didn’t think I was going to manage it, but I hit my 50,000.

I had to skip over a chapter or two, so now I have to go back and add them in, but oh my God, how crazy is that?

As a reward, I’m buying Scrivener for myself and I need to get a microphone so I can use Dragon. But how completely awesome.

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

What’s Up:
From Diamond to Coal–Okay, so I’ve got poisoned takeout food, dimensional travel, a dangerous assassin, blackmail, and a mm couple having a baby (not mpreg, though it was a very near thing. Sorry to all those that are disappointed.) I’ve got like 8 years to cover, but I’ve been kinda stuck on year one.

Heroes & Villains–Pretty much done with the editing. Should be sending it out tomorrow. Hopefully :S

The Matrix Effect–Yeah, I went there. I totally did. Should be supremely awesome. That or it’s going to be incredibly terrible. I’m not quite sure where I am with that yet.

Fiends–A mm romance novella. Should be pretty smokey.


And what’s happening in my real life? Well, I went to the library and got P.N. Elrod’s “Dark Road Rising,” and L.E. Modesitt’s “Arms Commander.” Hopefully they’re going to be as good as they look. I don’t know, I’ve been having bad luck picking good books recently.


Also, if anyone knows how I can get Semagic to work with WordPress again, that would be totally the best. I might add your name to my list of special people (which may involve the receiving of cool stuff.)