I told myself I wasn’t going to sleep until I finished editing. I’ve probably done about 100 pages, which is pretty good, and I’ve only got like 30 pages left. Still, every time I turn around I keep getting distracted by things on the internet ^_^

I even took some time out to search the Web to see if anyone has written any fanfic about my stuff. I am very sad to say that there is NONE 🙁

When is someone out there going to write some fanfic about my stuff? I know it should be something I wouldn’t want to have happen, but honestly, it would make me totally happy. Ugh, the horrors of being completely clingy and emotionally stunted.

~Come on, write some fanfic!

BTW, as I mentioned before, I signed up for the BlogHop, which will start on the 17th. What does that mean? Well, I have to put up a BlogHop entry, and if people comment, I’m giving out 3 free ebooks to 3 readers, and 1 print copy of “Heroes & Villains.”

I’m not quite sure how I’m sending the paperback out, since this is my first time doing this, but I might just drop ship it or something. Still, there will be one lucky ducky out there. And it could be YOU!  Sorry people outside the US, I think you’re pretty much stuck with ebooks, though it’s readers’ choice so you could actually pick something that’s not even out yet if you wanted (like “Allies & Enemies” perhaps? Though there’s a wait until doneness.)

Witch King at Amazon

"Peace sign"

Happy Holidays!

So I should be writing (heh!) but instead I’m goofing around. That’s so typically me.

Basically, I just wasted HOURS of my life trying to figure out how to do one of the simplest internet things in the world and I still can’t get it to work. Suxors.

Trying to figure out how to make files for Podio. Is anyone out there interested in being able to listen to one of my novels as a serialized audiobook? Sure, I have the voice of a small child, but I’m willing to try my best.

Anyways, back to work/on to bed, whichever comes first 🙂


Count Zero at Amazon
Allies & Enemies at Amazon

Currently working on “Maple Leaf: Stage 1.” This is a project that leaves me feeling incredibly hopeful about the world and life in general. It’s much lighter than what I usually go for and it makes me feel as though I’ve in someway been carried back to a more innocent time.

Nadia–a girl with a secret past she’s trying to forget.
Bran–incredibly poor, he has big dreams for a much better future.
Winter–she never thought she would have to get over her first love.
Jason–all he’d ever wanted was a family; a group of people that would love him.
Freya–she’s always gotten her own way, and she’s not going to let that change now.
Benjamin–he was just doing a favor; he never expected for things to go so wrong.
Tia–being kidnapped was the most terrifying experience she’s ever had. She just wished it was over already.