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Welcome to my stop on the 4th of July Blog Hop. My name is Harper Kingsley and I will be leading you on this tour through the history of my brain.

First there was “Visions of Blood & Shadow,” my vampire, elf, Other murder story. A young girl is hit by a car, and an uncontrollable snowball of events take place, culminating to the apocalypse. From there, we follow Valerie Pendleton Hardain into “Blood Wine” where he has to get used to his new way of life. And yes, the band playing at the beginning of “Blood Wine” is Ashes & Bones, but no worries. Ashley Valentine has his own story beginning in “Little Boy Blue” and to be concluded in “Residual Blue.”

In the same world as “Visions of Blood & Shadow” is the Julian Duncan series, about my psychic police consultant. Julian even had a cameo in “Visions of Blood & Shadow,” though his first story “The Center” is set before everything. I thought that I could start at the very beginning and go through his whole history. “Cannot Hold” is the next story and should be available in the near future.

After that, I switched gears and fell into the world of “Heroes & Villains.” A love story between an ex-superhero turned supervillain and one of the world’s penultimate superheroes. The love story between Darkstar (Vereint Georges) and Blue Ice (Warrick Reidenger Tobias) is one that makes me really happy. It’s basically the “how they met” as they handle dealing with terrorists and murderers and the unjust way the government controls metahuman criminals. My social discourse thinly veiled as a romance, “Muhahaha!” Not really. It’s more like a romance story between two very confused and stubborn men, from the first time they met (insta hate) right on until they get married in “Heroes & Villains: The Wedding,” which doesn’t need to be read to follow the series and contains a Mature mm scene. And coming soon in the “Heroes & Villains” trilogy will be “Allies & Enemies,” with “All That Remains” to wrap it up.

From romantic metahumans, I turned to the story of an amnesiac girl, Susie Smith, in the prequel to “Supergroup,” my YA superhero series. We follow Susie as she wanders through her own book, trying to figure out who she is, and dealing with the drama of discovering she used to run with heroes in “Pulse of the City.”

Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

I love metahuman stories. I’ve written several of them and will continue to write many more. So you can probably tell that I’m a big fan of comics and movies featuring superheroes and supervillains. I love watching amazing things and seeing splashy pictures.

But when I write them, I like to find out the secrets that no one else knows. Slice of life segments of heroes and villains, explaining why they do some of the crazy things they do. Because when you’re just looking at some guy, you don’t get the ideas running through his head. You just see the peerless hero or the cackling madman.

You don’t see the guy that has to go buy milk, but has to hide the fact that he’s got one giant gorilla arm under a trench coat. You don’t see someone like Sunfire [Supergroup] washing dishes and doing his own laundry. You don’t see the feelings that run through a superhero like Blue Ice when he realizes he loves a supervillain.

There’s something so awesome about reading a superhero novel. And there’s something awesome about writing one too.


I really like this “Patriot” trailer from Bleeding Cool Ink, so I thought I’d share this too.

This is one comic I can’t wait to read. The premise is so good, and if it’s done right it can be so good.

Hogfather at Amazon
Count Zero at Amazon