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Rocking Hard 01-smallerCurrently being serialized at Less Than Three Press as part of the Rocking Hard Anthology. First chapter is free.

Title: Centrifical
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm romance

Summary: Marty is the star of a B-rated sci-fi show. Jim is a rock god. They grew up as nerds together. Now Jim is coming home.


You remember when I was squeeing about this, right? Well, it’s started its run and I am very excited.

Go check it out. You won’t be disappointed.

Count Zero at Amazon

Sometimes I like to go on Amazon and take a peek through the free apps. I’ve found a few winners — ColorNote is definitely one — and of course there’s been a few losers.

Well last night I found Icon Diary — which has the icon of a teddy bear — and I’m actually really enjoying it. Especially since it lets me update my little png diary entries to Twitter or Facebook or whatever. It’s very cute and easy.

I guess I’m just one of those people that believes people should have a little fun in their life. Add a bit of cute nonsense to counteract all the grim reality.

Plus this app seems like something a kid would really enjoy.


Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

In case anyone has been wondering where my novel “Heroes & Villains” has gone — it’s off Amazon and everywhere else — it’s very simple:  I’ve signed a contract with Less Than Three Press and they will be re-issuing “Heroes & Villains” in the coming months.

I’ll let you all know when it’s available again. I’m very excited and I know LT3 will make my book baby beautiful.

Let's Make Dumplings at Amazon

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Title: From Diamond to Coal: Arc One
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm science fiction
Word count: 44,704 words (179 ms pages)
Rating: teen+

Summary: William and Alan come from two different worlds, but from their first meeting their lives have been entwined and their feelings for each other grows. Meanwhile, a sinister remnant of William’s past is threatening their future and happiness, bringing up memories best forgotten.

Arc One is currently available for the price of US $0.99 at Amazon and Smashwords. If you’ve been enjoying the free version, think about showing your support for an author and purchase a copy to enjoy on your ereader.