Are you all as excited as I am about the 2013 Rainbow Awards? Probably not, but yes, I am incredibly excited.

My book Heroes & Villains is a finalist in the Rainbow Awards under the category of Gay Sci-Fi Futuristic.

I’m really happy just to be a finalist and I can’t wait to find out the results on December 8th.

Rainbow Awards Finalist
Less Than Three Press books in the finals:
A Shadow of a Dream, by Isabella Carter
Dragon Slayer, by Isabella Carter
Black Magic, by Megan Derr
Private Dicks: Undercovers, edited by Samantha M Derr; stories by Siobhan Crosslin, K-lee Klein, Holly Rhinna-White, Alison Bailey, Megan Derr, E.E. Ottoman, Isabella Carter, and Sasha L. Miller
Inflori, by A.F. Henley
Heroes & Villains, by Harper Kingsley

Witch King at Amazon

Riptide Publishing: Anniversary Sale!

Riptide Publishing is turning 2 and there’s all kinds of awesome things taking place. It’s a whole month of sales. This could be your chance to round out your Andrea Speed collection.

Week 1 (Oct 1 – Oct 5): All First Wave titles 40% off, plus 15% off other select backlist titles

Week 2 (Oct 6 – Oct 12): All Second Wave titles 40% off, plus 15% off other select backlist titles

Week 3 (Oct 13 – Oct 19): $2.99 sale! Plus 15% off other select backlist titles

Week 4 (Oct 20 – Oct 26): $3.99 sale! Plus 15% off other select backlist titles

Week 5 (Oct 27 – Oct 31): Gift Certificate Sale: All gift certificates are 10% off

Go check it out Riptide Publishing


Kindle auto-correct is pissing me off

Remember when I was getting pissed off that there was no better spell check on the Kindle? Yeah. How do I turn the auto-correct off?

It’s very frustrating when I painstakingly spell something out — there it is right on the screen — then one hit of the spacebar and I look incredibly stupid.

If I spell something out a key at a time, why would it try to fix it? I don’t need to have my words corrected by something that seems to know less about spelling than me.


I saw this

I haven’t watched a ton of new movies, but here’s a list of stuff — movies and shows — worth seeing:

OBLIVION – movie. beautiful, cinemagraphic dystopian sci-fi.
PACIFIC RIM – movie. fun monster fighting robot sci-fi.
PROMETHEUS – movie. thinky horror sci-fi.
LOOPER – movie. crazy time travel mafia sci-fi.
BREAKING BAD – TV. meth making science teacher/drug kingpin.
YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL – TV. girl dressed as boy, joins band kdrama.
PENELOPE – movie. Girl cursed with a pig nose. Wonderful costumes and sets.
KINGDOM OF HEAVEN – movie. Still beautiful knight during the Crusades story.
IRON MAN 3 – movie. Tony Stark is a ninja.
ORPHAN BLACK – tv. BBC sci-fi series about a woman that finds out there’s eight of her.

Any great movies or shows out there? I’ve got Netflix and DramaFever.

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

I’m trying to watch this show, but my dad won’t stop talking. Asking questions is all right, but he makes these dumb comments.

I think he needs his own Twitter. That or I should set him up with a blog. He has thoughts and opinions he would really like to share.


Heroes & Villains is a finalist for the 2013 Rainbow Awards. How cool is that?

There’s so many great books listed this year. It’s thrilling to see my book up there with all of them. They look so bright and hopeful all on one page.


All this quippage during action scenes, I think that would be totally distracting. There you are focusing on your job, and someone feels the need to make with the funnies.

This is serious time, boss. STFU.

Then again, it’s kind of reached the point of ridiculous with having a brand new girl go out in the field with no training. They are supposed to be a highly trained government agency. WTF? I question putting the safety of the world in their hands until they at least go through Basic.

It’s an interesting show and I look forward to watching more episodes, but I wish the script was a little better. I’m hoping the show gets better.

They’re playing up the sexy — sexy people, sexy technology — I wish there was a bit more plot to this porn.


What I’ve been writing on –

ParaShift: My mm sci-fi mpreg story. The elements introduce
themselves. I just took the concept of a post-apocalyptic society that’s been struck by a sterility plague, added a touch of A/B/O, and ran with it.

Tuesday Night: My mm au superhero story. I’ve introduced Henry David and things are chugging along. I promise not to go all hate-style on Carrie. That’s not an angle I want to play.

The Panic Pure: My mm suspense thriller. I posted Chapter Eighteen on FictionPress if you’re following that. I’ve gotta clean it up before posting it on Kimichee but I’ll start catching everything up.

= posted from my kindle =

All Systems Red at Amazon

I have largely been without Internet for most of this month. I’m back now, but it will be sporadic at best and I apologize. I hope that I will be able to make posts through my kindle and email, but it’s been giving me a hard time lately and some posts haven’t gone through.

Anyways, I have several things to share, so brace yourself:

Heroes & Villains was reviewed by Joyfully Jay and got 4-stars and a really nice write up. I was scared to look at first — I’m such a wuss — but it was a really nice review. I’m still grinning.

Check out the review HERE.
Joyfully Jay

In case you didn’t know, Heroes & Villains is my mm superhero novel.

small-HeroesVillainsHeroes & Villains
by Harper Kingsley
mm superhero
publisher: Less Than Three Press
isbn: 9781620042328
word count: 130k

Darkstar x Blue Ice.

Series so far:
Heroes & Villains
The Wedding
Allies & Enemies (upcoming)
All That Remains (upcoming)

In the same universe:
Pulse of the City
The Dark Hearts (upcoming)
Savior Unknown (upcoming)

* * *
I’ve added some to ParaShift, if you’re following that. Chapter Fourteen will be coming up shortly, and we’re already 39,000 words in.

For the official version, Park is becoming an ever more interesting character. Seriously, this dude should be named B.A. Park, because he’s just that bad ass. He’s also more thoughtful than I first envisioned him to be. He’s turning into a real romantic lead.
* * *
I would like to wish the lovely L.J. LaBarthe a happy birthday.
