It took me quite a while to figure out how to post videos to my YouTube. There’s been many updates between my last upload and now. I was clicking all over the place.

So anyways. Gonna post videos for my Patreons ( Like, videos I make myself.

I’ve got Unbirthday plans for May 12th.

Which might even mean unlocking some Patreon posts for my free members, and unlocking some for the public.

I’ve also got some Kanon Darkstar stuff happening. Things about his moonbase. His mindset. What happens to him after stepping through a portal.

Plus I’m going to assemble some complete chapters of "Scumbag Billionaire" and put them out there.

I hope I can bring everything together in a satisfactory manner. Wish me luck!

~Harper Kingsley

Count Zero at Amazon

I’ve always read. I’m constantly taking in content that’s in a written language. But I haven’t really been reading canon content for a while.

I read all the books. Then I stopped.

That didn’t mean they didn’t continue to make new books.

I just haven’t had the mental resources to read the canon material. Not when the fics are all laid out there.

But recently I’ve been enjoying Chinese novels.

Like this one right now:

  • Dude, don’t test someone’s blindness by throwing a basketball at them!!! WTF is wrong with you? Who raised you??? * He’s got a serious anger issue. It’s a diagnosis he carries. * He’s very rich, but currently a bit of a family disgrace.
  • She just had eye surgery after being blind for years. So she’s just starting to get her sight back and has to wear sunglasses. * She whacks him with her cane when he tries to snatch her sunglasses.

Her complete disgust with him is causing him to change and become a better person.

I enjoy drama stories.

I hate drama in real life.


The Way of the Househusband 01 at Amazon

The Internet was out all night and day 🙁

It sucks and I couldn’t help the paranoid thought–"Why did the police cut out the Internet? What are they doing?"–that popped in my head.

I hate that they’ve been so entirely awful at their jobs that my first thought is starting to always be "What did they fuck up now?"

And it’s like, I think our local police department are okay.

But I don’t know if the police I’ve dealt with have been purposeful nice guys that were chosen for their public-facing customer service work. Maybe the rest of the department is a blazing clown fire. I don’t know.

Like, there’s a lot of local government people getting arrested for some truly heinous crimes.

And I know, some people are like "They’re all getting arrested for awful shit! That means they’re getting away with lying and cheating their way into office!" but I’m kinda like "They caught them. Good." I’m always just really hopeful that they get epic prison sentences and crippling fines.

Stop them from being able to use the power of their money to circumvent what’s right.

I feel disappointed when they get a slap on the wrist and no prison time when a person without so much money gets sent straight to prison. And I’m not like "Good! Lock up the dude! Nobody should have a means of lessening a minor sentences." because they didn’t commit minor crimes.

It sucks that people have spent so much time and effort to change the laws to favor the rich and punish the poor.

I hate the current prison system. And I side-eye the government system that is propping it up.

Someone with money can pay money to get out of prison and have their record purged of serious crimes like physical assault, sexual assault, and "I didn’t know it was murder"-murder. While at the same time, a woman pre-pandemic wanted her daughter to go to a better school district and I think she’s still in prison today. Like, where the fuck is the governor or whoever hands out the crime forgiveness certificates at?

People should have their right to vote returned if the "big felony" they committed was like smoking or selling weed 30 years ago. Why is that person still in prison? Why are you continuing to torture them and their family for stuff that’s no longer a crime? You should free them and offer them some kind of "rehab therapy?" where they are taught how to adapt back into a world they haven’t been a part of.

Recidivism happens because someone that has been kept in a cage for months and/or years was then released with no help to adapt. I mean, some people are straight up evil. If they’re going to be violent, they’re going to be violent. But others are people that were in prison during the entire rise of smartphones and maybe even of computers.

A dude that doesn’t know how to sign up for an email address because the last one they had was a Hotmail account.

"Here dude. All consequential transactions are now handled online."–Like, WTF? Even for people that haven’t been to prison, it’s a terrible way to run things.

The credit card system went down because the Internet was out.

It was very inconvenient to buy milk today. But if the Internet was out long term? And someone depended on their own card reader to get paid?

Soft-forcing people to have to use cards is bad enough. But then to charge people for spending their own money?

Anyways. The Internet was out. And a lack of necessary infrastructure was very difficult to deal with in a regular moment. I don’t know what it would be like in a war zone.

~Harper Kingsley

All Systems Red at Amazon

So I’ve found D’Angelo Wallace on YouTube.

Like, I don’t usually watch videos. But every once and a while I’ll take a dip into the rabbit hole. Especially since I can watch YouTube on the big TV screen.

I watched a bunch of "Koreans React to American" videos and some World Friends content last night. Like, the stuff about differences between Chinese, Korean, and Japanese chopsticks opened my eyes. There’s a reason why there’s different chopsticks. Like, I should have an array that I rotate my way through.

And today I visited Bluesky and my attention was caught by an Iron Spike share of D’Angelo Wallace talking about the "Natalie Beach being soft-stalked by Calloway"-shitstorm that’s seemingly building up in the background of the world.

Like, Calloway is seemingly out of control and she needs a wake up call of some sort. Because she’s obviously sliding.

Natalie seems to be doing great. But there really needs to be an eye kept on the Calloway situation because… yikes. She could pop up at any moment to cause some "drama." And I mean the type that involves the police.

I have no involvement with the story. I didn’t give that woman any money. I did see the tweet thread on Twitter (it was Twitter, not "X." (And I put that in quotes because he likely changed the name because he hopes to sell the Twitter name at some point in the future and he wants it to be worth money. If things had continued on in the same way, the resale value would be like nothing; he changed the name. So, if you want to continue calling it Twitter… it can help keep the name at value costs, just saying.)) but it was so long ago I’d forgotten about it. Until I watched that 2 hour long video today.

I’m a nosy person. I want to know what’s going on even if I’m not involved. So that whole Adult Drama going on… Calloway seems like someone to at least keep a side eye on.

~Harper Kingsley