iZombie is basically the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.
That or the beginning of a world where people can choose to never die.

Blaine “losing his memory” could be a real side-effect of The Cure2 or it could be his way to wipe his personal slates.
==He’s still the Boss of brainfood. He’s faking having amnesia while still running things behind the scenes.
==That or his little scumbag protege really is in charge of things. Lennie and George.

Ravi should have told —-Babideaux—- and —-FBI agent—- about zombies. If they were in on what’s happening, they could help to cover things up.
==The frozen zombies

Super religious kosher diet –> how they

Chaos Killer –> Vaughn and Co. use Major Lilywhite to cover the abductions of their zombie victims.
Once Vaughn realized they weren’t actually being killed, he had the bodies removed from the freezers and taken to his labs.

==You would think that while Ravi looked for The Cure, he would also look for some way to synthesize brains.
How much easier would undead life be if you could mix up a smoothie of faux-brains and be able to function. No fancy footwork or frightening controversies.
Pop open a can of brainfood and basically live forever with optimum health.
I would think *that’s* the angle Vaughn would play rather than sticking with MaxRager, but whatever. I mean, the health food market would buy the hell out of something like that.

Zombies become a regular thing. They have all the rights of the living.



Star Trek: The Next Generation was a great show.
Picard was totally my favorite captain.

The Enterprise was out meeting new races and finding new members for the Federation
It was the Flagship of Starfleet. It had the best of the best for its crew.

Picard was a bit of a dick. (Seriously. He’s got the best intentions at heart, but he’s *so stiff*.) And his first officer — William “Number One” Riker — is pretty sleazy and self-satisfied.[1]
Those were my first thoughts on watching season one. But the characters and the crew definitely grew as the series progressed.
Post-Lieutenant Yar episodes had a better vibe between the cast.
[1] Every “Riker” episode makes me feel like I need to take a shower.
I don’t suspect him of being a serial killer or anything, but I could imagine him stealing my underwear after sex.

Prairie Fires at Amazon

The flame licked over her first two fingers. The pain was sharp and sudden. She was so startled it took her a few seconds to move her hand. Seconds in which she recognized the allure of fire.

Tall and yellow with the center gas-lit blue, the flames danced — mesmerizing — across her skin. It didn’t even really hurt. Until it did.

She jerked her hand away and hurried to find water. She’d been taught basic medicine. She knew that burns were bad.

She fell to her knees next to the stream and plunged her hand into the cold water. It came straight out of the mountains and was quick to make her flesh go numb.

She kept her two fingers in the water but lifted the rest of her hand out. She submerged them until the cold was beginning to hurt and she could feel the mud seeping through the knees of her pants. Then she pulled her hand away from the water and leaned back from the stream.

She examined her fingers. The skin was reddened but unbroken. She couldn’t tell if the red was from burns already forming or from the cold.

The memory of a cooking lesson went through her mind. — “Once you remove it from the heat, cover the meat and leave it to sit for at least ten minutes. As it cools, the meat will continue to cook. Plus you don’t want to cut it too soon and let all the juices out. There is a reason why patience is considered a virtue.” — She’d learned how to perfectly roast meat, though it had taken a while for her to even approach the skill of her teacher. In the same lesson she’d made cheesy roasted brussels sprouts, which had involved boiling the whole heads before plunging them into an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

She sat with a THUMP. Her mind was putting the idea together with chilling detail. Boiling sprouts, roasting meat, ice water.

I’M made out of meat, she thought.

Let's Make Dumplings at Amazon

Currently there are too many people at my house. It’s driving me up the wall.

When all I want is a moment of peace and quiet, someone is invariably yell-talking about stupid shit. Or I come downstairs to find that someone has splattered grease all over the stove and counter and left the mess for me to clean up.

“Thank you for welcoming me into your home… I fried a bunch of stuff in the pan I left on the counter. And I didn’t rinse off any of my dishes. You’re welcome.”

My stomach has constantly been in knots and I feel like I’ve been locked into a stressful situation that I’m never going to get out of.

Oh, and since the number of dudes has exceeded the capacity for commonsense, there’s been lots of instances of the toilet seat left up and urine splattered everywhere. I’m nearly to the point of posting a mandatory “Sit to pee” policy sheet on the bathroom door. Because I can’t handle the grossness on top of the inability to flush a toilet.

Seriouly, the rim of the toilet is disgusting. I don’t want to see it. And I especially don’t want to see it after someone has left their DNA samples all over it. If this was CSI and you were the bad guy, you’d already be in jail.

Anyways, back to attempting to write while surrounded by loudmouths and degenerates. Sigh.

A City On Mars at Amazon