Ugh, the first thing I saw when I checked my email was article after article about Donald Trump. And all I can think is, “When is this guy going to crawl back under the rock he came from?”

I understand that people have the right to vote for him if they want — but do I have to be constantly deluged with images and stories about him? I get it. He’s a fucking MONSTER. It’s something he even seems to agree with based on his comments about women and his actions on social media and television.

He’s spent his entire adult life screwing people over so he could make money. And now he wants to screw the whole country over so he can… make money. (It’s not like he’s changed his position on money.)

It’s gross. It’s tired. And you’ve won Donald, I’m fucking terrified of you.

Now get the fuck out of here. You’re fired.



1. that hair
2. that attitude toward women
3. that ignorance toward late-term abortions and what they are
4. the constant lying
5. the sociopathy
6. the environment
7. the long-term effect on children
8. the fact that he calls a Presidency a “regime”
9. fascism
10. rampant capitalism at the cost of the people
11. bad business practices
12. racism
13. the promotion of ignorance
14. rape-apologists
15. rape
16. nuclear weapons
17. war with Russia
18. Mike Pence
19. internment camps
20. murder of a 12-year-old girl (#WheresMaria?)

And there’s even more reasons why I would never vote for him.

He’s a loser.

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

Today, I am in a bad mood. I didn’t realize how bad my mood was until I reached for a rubber band and found that there were none… to which I responded by sweeping everything off the counter and piling everything that doesn’t belong to me in a chair. The owners can either collect them or throw them away, I don’t give a fuck.

It was an instant switch from down but calm, to raging fury of destruction.

I think I’m finally beginning to process his words from yesterday, and I don’t like them.

Not just because he’s kinda right, but because I am tired of all the shit I get. I am tired of dealing with these people that I don’t think I even like anymore. I am tired of dealing with the person they force me to be.

I’m tired of all of it.

Now I’ve just gotta figure out what I’m going to do. As they say, “Should I stay or should I go?” And right now? I’m leaning toward go.

An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

I am so frustrated. All I want is a simple photo viewer that allows me to arrow/space bar through my pictures. But of course Windows 10 dropped that capability. Because why would someone want to look through their photos quickly?

That’s dumb. We all want to open big apps and spend hours trying to get the bundled Photos program to recognize various folders. That’s what people love: wasting time.

Because that’s what time is there for, to be wasted. Because we’re all going to live forever and there’s nothing else we want to do than to wait for some bloated program to open, decide that it won’t see any other pictures in a folder–or even recognize the folder at all–and frustration is like medicine. Or poison. One of those.

Ugh. I’m very set in my ways and I hate change.

So having to reset Windows 10 the other day, which resulted in the loss of a bunch of stuff, is already an experience I wish I could have avoided. But it is what it is.

Change is inevitable.

But does it have to be so fucking frustrating, Microsoft? Really? Do you have to make everything some giant uphill struggle so that the thought of switching to Linux or some kind of Windows-alternative starts seeming like a version of heaven?

Because really, all I need is Scrivener, OpenOffice or LibreOffice, Semagic, and some way to view and edit photos and I’ll be satisfied. And unfortunately, 4 out of 5 is not acceptable for all of my years of loyalty to Windows software.

And all the ways you’ve invaded my privacy in recent years, Microsoft? Your insistence on access to my private data so you can send it to your HQ for some inane reason? Fuck you very much.


I’m just so tired of fighting Windows all the time.

I’m tired of not being able to do the things I want with my own computer.

I’m tired of the weird programs turning on and doing things in the background at the behest of Microsoft.

I’m tired of having to go through after every update and check that my Privacy settings haven’t been reset to “Share everything with Microsoft”, because honestly, I don’t want to share squat with Microsoft.

I want to turn on my computer, edit documents, and watch YouTube videos of cats frolicking.

I don’t want my screen to keep freezing and my data to be lost. I don’t want my computer to shut itself off and turn itself on without letting me know what’s going on or giving me a warning to save my stuff. I don’t want to suddenly have everything S-L-O-W way down as some hidden Windows process begins doing something I can’t track or figure out why it’s happening.

I want my computer back!

Mike's Harder Lemonade: Deadpool version God, now I want a drink. So, thanks for that Microsoft. If I turn into an alcoholic, I’ll know who to blame:


All Systems Red at Amazon

The Kid brought home the plague. That’s the only explanation.

Everyone’s been sick, so it should be no surprise that I finally succumbed to the coughing, running nose, fever, chills, and general misery of whatever the Kid brought home from school.

I’m hopeful though, that I’ll throw it off before Monday. My immune system is healthy and this cold doesn’t seem too strong.

Still, my head feels like it’s full of mashed potatoes. Ugh.