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Prompt: 034. colors

1. Everyone is assigned a color at birth, and those colors decide their future. Red for courage, blue for healing, green for growing, yellow for nurturing, mauve for romance, and brown for the lowest work.

A. Everyone is assigned a color at birth, and those colors decide their future. Red for courage, blue for healing, green for growing, yellow for nurturing, mauve for romance, and brown for the lowest work.

Caterine had begun her life wrapped in a mauve blanket and had grown up surrounded by beauty and an ethic of hard work and emotionally satisfying companionship. She trained and learned in the Chapter House, and when it was time for her to make her Final Choice, she decided to stay a mauve.

2. Hitting the button made the four colors of paint swirl and mix together over the paper. The toddler cheered and hit the button again and again, the innocent delight drawing smiles from the watching adults.

A. Hitting the button made the four colors of paint swirl and mix together over the paper. The toddler cheered and hit the button again and again, the innocent delight drawing smiles from the watching adults.

When she was satisfied with her artwork, she politely asked her uncle to take the frame off and lay it out for the paper to dry. While he did that, she climbed up on a stool to get the second frame and a new sheet of paper off the counter. It was with some bemusement that he watched her reload her paint toy and go back to pushing the button with a bright laugh.

3. Everyone was born colorblind. It was the natural state of their people. But a select few developed into Guardians, and the first step in the Change was the sudden ability to perceive colors.

A. Everyone was born colorblind. It was the natural state of their people. But a select few developed into Guardians, and the first step in the Change was the sudden ability to perceive colors. It separated them from other people.

They were required to attend training schools where they received a topnotch education and were prepared for the physical changes they were still to go through before they would become Guardians.

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Prompt: 033. great literature

1. The book was all well and good, but she wouldn’t call it great literature. More like toilet paper wrapped in a glossy cover.

A. The book was all well and good, but she wouldn’t call it great literature. More like toilet paper wrapped in a glossy cover. She snorted to herself, covering her mouth with the side of her hand.

Along with the rest of the students, Sadie sat with her back straight, her shoulders back, and her face attentively turned forward. To all appearances, she was a diligent student; when really she spent her time making snarky mental comments or daydreaming.

2. It was when she couldn’t answer 80% of the test questions that she began reading as many of the so-called great literature books as she could.

A. It was when she couldn’t answer 80% of the test questions that she began reading as many of the so-called great literature books as she could. They weren’t exactly to her taste, but she spent the time thinking on the reading and taking the practice quizzes. And it all paid off.

She walked into the retest with determination in her stride, and she crushed it. Which allowed her entrance into Professor Holloway’s course.

3. Walking through the door he was forced to join in a discussion about what constituted great literature.

A. Walking through the door he was forced to join in a discussion about what constituted great literature. It was embarrassing to admit that the closest thing he’d ever read to a classic was Stephen King’s Cujo, so he didn’t.

He sat quietly in his chair and absorbed the discussion happening around him. He took notes, planning to make his own study guide. They were a found of information he wouldn’t have been able to find anywhere else.

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I saw this on Cracked =>http://www.cracked.com/blog/how-to-lose-your-entire-career-in-two-minutes-twitter/<= and it gave me a “Well, of course” moment.

Of course you police your language on the Internet, especially if you’re using your fucking WORK profile.

Or if you’re the public FACE of your company. — You don’t want the face of your company to be spouting out hateful things on the Internet. That’s bad for business.

Especially when your activities online have the real-world consequences of a social media shitstorm.

That whole “Free Speech” thing only really applies when you keep your speech in your own social sphere.

The shit you say at home, should be your own business.

But when you go online and make a dick of yourself on someone else’s timeline…

Dude, you’re like “Hey, look at me!” And guess what, they fucking looked at you!

Social shaming is a natural part of a smoothly flowing society.

When you broadcast your rage!shit to the ENTIRE world – don’t be surprised that people can see it, and that they might have an opinion.

Most especially when your rage!shit involves you mouthing off about a celebrity’s deceased love one. Directly to the celebrity!

That’s a very low place to go. And if that person has a lot of followers, you’re going to get a lot of blowback.

The current political situation has had a very polarizing effect on the public. People are heated.

It’s better to be diplomatic, and if you’ve got something controversial to say – wait an appropriate amount of time, reread what you wrote, and make sure you’re not about to say something unforgivable.

Though honestly, if you fuck up online and it’s not super bad, you can just say “Whoa. That was too far. I’m taking that one back. I’m sorry.”

Because sometimes, all people want to hear is an honest apology.

A simple acknowledgment that you’ve done something wrong and you’re not going to make the same mistake in the future.

Allies & Enemies at Amazon

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Prompt: 032. jewel heist

1. Considering he’d barely been released from prison, joining in on a jewel heist had to be the most idiotic thing he’d ever let his cousin talk him into doing.

A. Considering he’d barely been released from prison, joining in on a jewel heist had to be the most idiotic thing he’d ever let his cousin talk him into doing.

To be honest, he’d wanted to say No and stay home. But it was the thought of home that had him agreeing to go along with Brandon’s idiotic plan. Because his family was always hungry, always smelly, always desperate, always poor.

He’d been tired of being poor before he’d been Sent Up. And coming back to that same life didn’t make it any better, especially when he saw his nephew’s hungry face.

2. He hadn’t planned on being part of a jewel heist, but he hadn’t been given a choice. They had his family.

A.He hadn’t planned on being part of a jewel heist, but he hadn’t been given a choice. They had his family. So he did as he was told, and along with the other parents robbed the jewel depository.

They made a fast getaway in the van they’d been given and eluded police. They exchanged the van for a four-door car and drove to the rendezvous point where they were supposed to exchange the jewels for their children.

3. The surveillance video was like watching a heist movie. The jewel thieves were professionals. It was going to be hard catching them.

A. The surveillance video was like watching a heist movie. The jewel thieves were professionals. It was going to be hard catching them.

Jackie stood off to one side as the museum was taken over by police and federal agents. She’d never been in a situation like this before, and she was trying to see everything that she could.