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Prompt: 038. smartphone

1. He’d never had a smartphone before, and probably wouldn’t have one now if he hadn’t won the Tech Pak $10,000 Giveaway.

A. He’d never had a smartphone before, and probably wouldn’t have one now if he hadn’t won the Tech Pak $10,000 Giveaway. He’d used the money to pay off his more pressing debts and allowed himself the luxury of buying something he’s always wanted, but never thought he’d be able to afford.

Just holding the phone in his hand made his heart beat a little faster with excitement. He’d ordered it online as an unlocked phone so that he could keep his usual provider, and he thought that he’d gotten a good deal on the price–less than $200!–which made his frugal spirit proud.

2. He stared down at his smartphone’s shattered screen in disbelief that something like this could have happened.

A. He stared down at his smartphone’s shattered screen in disbelief that something like this could have happened. One minute he was walking down the stairs, then his phone had rung, and instead of waiting until he was safely at the bottom he’d fumbled it right out of his pocket and bouncing down ten cement steps.

His mind flashed back to being in the store, looking at the hard cases and scoffing at the idea he might need one. He was always so careful, nothing bad was going to happen. It had seemed like a waste of money, as had the phone insurance that would have cost him an extra $20.

3. She kept her eyes focused on her smartphone screen and pushed her right earbud tighter into her ear. His eyes seemed to burn against the side of her face and more than anything she wanted to run.

A. She kept her eyes focused on her smartphone screen and pushed her right earbud tighter into her ear. His eyes seemed to burn against the side of her face and more than anything she wanted to run. But she forced herself to keep her cool and pretend that he wasn’t there, staring at her from from his seat across the aisle.

Honestly, she didn’t know what was with this guy. She’d seen him while she was waiting in line and had thought nothing about his too-intimate smile (creeps were creeps). But this was getting ridiculous. He was seriously beginning to spook her.

Count Zero at Amazon

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Prompt: 037. cellphone

1. It was fifteen year old history wrapped in a plastic case. But the pictures saved on the memory card were still blackmail gold.

A. It was fifteen year old history wrapped in a plastic case. But the pictures saved on the memory card were still blackmail gold.

He hadn’t meant to become a creep, but she was the only person he knew that had gotten rich in the years since high school graduation. And there she was, prominently displayed in some old pictures he’d forgotten he’d ever taken–beautiful, young, and wildly uninhibited.

2. The prepaid cellphone made an odd sound before dying, plunging the interior of the box into darkness. The occupant’s breath came louder in panic as the realization sunk in.

A. The prepaid cellphone made an odd sound before dying, plunging the interior of the box into darkness. Jackie’s breath came louder in panic as the realization sunk in.

Buried alive! I’ve been buried alive!

One minute she was enjoying the first real vacation she’d had in her entire life. The next she was waking up in a box buried underground.

It didn’t seem fair.

3. “The cellphone signal is jumping from tower to tower. It looks like they’re heading to the east end of the city.”

A. “The cellphone signal is jumping from tower to tower. It looks like they’re heading to the east end of the city.”

Sitting on the smallest couch in the living room, he wrapped an arm around his wife and closed his eyes. He prayed silently that the police would catch the kidnapper, that their baby would be home with them soon.

He dreaded being told that she was found, but dead. He didn’t know what he would do if that happened. He might just fall to pieces.

Small Gods at Amazon

$5 for access to digital copy of “365 Prompts”

Prompt: 036. backpack

1. The backpack was found on a park bench by a young man that thought there might be something worth money inside. Instead, he was shocked to find a bomb.

A. The backpack was found on a park bench by a young man that thought there might be something worth money inside. Instead, he was shocked to find a bomb. He’d immediately called the police and the park was closed down.

Another five bombs were found at various points around the city. They were disarmed and an investigation was started to find the culprits that had wanted to hurt so many people.

2. They were wandering through the backpack section of the department store. The cart was already loaded down with school supplies and groceries.

A. They were wandering through the backpack section of the department store. The cart was already loaded down with school supplies and groceries. It made him nervous that they were running out of money for this shopping trip.

He really wanted to get a good backpack. He didn’t want to spend the next school year being made fun of. The other kids already picked on him bit; he didn’t need to give them ammunition to use against him.

3. He didn’t mean to steal the backpack. It just kind of happened.

A. He didn’t mean to steal the backpack. It just kind of happened. When everyone scattered at the security guard’s arrival, he hadn’t paused to think. He’d just scooped up the backpack and run. He’d figured he’d give it back at school the next day.

Only Audrie didn’t show up and it turned out she’d never made it home. Her parents were frantically questioning everyone she might know to figure out what had happened to her.

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

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Prompt: 035. dear diary

1. The last bits of her left in the world were a stuffed lion and her diary. Every entry was started with the words “Dear Diary” and ended with her signing “Love, From Me”.

A. The last bits of her left in the world were a stuffed lion and her diary. Every entry was started with the words “Dear Diary” and ended with her signing “Love, From Me”.

It was too painful for them to see the lion or the diary. They put them in a box along with their memories of her and tried to get on with their lives.

They never spoke of her, and gradually people began to forget that she’d ever existed. And that was sad, but a relief as well. She’d become a burden bearing down on them and sometimes the memories were too painful.

It felt good to smile.

2. “Dear Diary, today I met the man of my dreams” was spoken into the dark stillness, followed by a disbelieving laugh.

A. “Dear Diary, today I met the man of my dreams” was spoken into the dark stillness, followed by a disbelieving laugh. “Oh man, I can’t believe she actually wrote this crap. I’m going to make her life hell.”

“We shouldn’t be reading her diary. You should put it back.”

“Oh wah. Don’t worry about it. As long as she doesn’t know we looked at it, we’ll be fine.”

3. “Oh dear, I think you’re going to need a new diary. It looks like someone spilled coffee on this one.”

A. “Oh dear, I think you’re going to need a new diary. It looks like someone spilled coffee on this one.”

He stared at the black and white striped diary in his hands and felt helpless tears brimming in his eyes. He’d only been allowed to have it because it didn’t look too girly, but it still made him feel like he’d have pretty things someday. There was no way he was ever going to have anything so nice again.

“Since that’s looking a bit worse for wear, why don’t you take this one.” A white diary with blue and black polka dots all over it was waved under his nose. “I already paid for it.”