Prompt: 057. gold chain

1. The chain may have been made of gold, but it still tethered him to the marble column.

A. The chain may have been made of gold, but it still tethered him to the marble column. Magic had been imbued in the links, each one painstakingly carved with a rune to keep him from shifting form and slipping free.

He’d never been helpless before. He didn’t like it.

2.”That baby is wearing a gold chain. I feel like saying something to his mother.”

A. “That baby is wearing a gold chain. I feel like saying something to his mother.”

“Please don’t.”

“Well, if I don’t say it, who will?”

“Anyone but you. Leave her alone. She’s not bothering anyone.”

“It bothers me.”

“I don’t care. Shut up and eat your food so we can go. If you say anything to her or do anything to terrify her child, I swear on everything that you hold holy that I will break something you love.”

“What if I love you?”

“Then I guess I’ll have to break up with you.”

3. Her grandmother’s cross dangled from a delicate gold chain.

A. Her grandmother’s cross dangled from a delicate gold chain around her neck in every photograph she’d been in since she was nineteen years old. So to notice it missing one day during her commute, she felt helpless and stressed.

She never took the necklace off, not even when she took a shower. It made her feel naked to not have it on. She didn’t even know where it might have fallen, but didn’t hesitate to take the return train and retrace her steps back to her apartment building, hoping she would see a glint of gold somewhere on the ground.

Faizel 02 at Amazon

Prompt: 056. chainsaw

1. There was something freaky about opening the tool shed and finding it full of chainsaws. There had to be a dozen of them, some hanging from the walls, others covering the workbench. All of them in working condition.

There was something freaky about opening the tool shed and finding it full of chainsaws. There had to be a dozen of them, some hanging from the walls, others covering the workbench. All of them in working condition.

To look from all those metal and blades to his proudly smiling face as he began to introduce each chainsaw by name, there was the sense that a bad decision had been made somewhere.

2. The sound of a chainsaw woke her at seven in the morning. She groaned and covered her head with her pillow. Why did she have to have the annoying neighbor?

A. The sound of a chainsaw woke her at seven in the morning. She groaned and covered her head with her pillow. Why did she have to have the annoying neighbor?

She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to go back to sleep. But that sound–it went straight through her ears and into her brain, forcing her awake.

Finally she sat up with a huff, punched her pillow a few times to try and release some of her anger, then stomped out of bed toward the bathroom. She would take a shower, then go talk to her rude neighbor. Hopefully he wouldn’t decide to use that chainsaw on her.

3. Of course they’d been chainsaw jugglers. It was the only way to explain the amount of blood and mangled fingers in the warehouse.

A. Of course they’d been chainsaw jugglers. It was the only way to explain the amount of blood and mangled fingers in the warehouse.

He leaned against the wall outside, crossing his arms over his chest. Seeing the bodies wheeled out of the warehouse, and the evidence bags with their gruesome burdens, he desperately wanted a cigarette even though he’d quit five years ago.

It was hard to accept that he’d rented one of his buildings to a bunch of maniacs that played around with chainsaws. Chainsaws. Who even did that?

Let's Make Dumplings at Amazon

PROMPTS: I know that other than my daily prompts I’ve been pretty quiet, but that’s about to change. Probably on Monday.

For some reason, though I schedule the prompts in advance, there’s been a handful of times when the prompts haven’t posted 🙁 I’ve had to login and manually hit Publish, which either means there’s a weird glitch or I’m doing something wrong. (I’m probably doing something wrong.)

Anyways, if you’re looking forward to my prompts each day, they are all scheduled to post at 7 a.m. PST. If a prompt doesn’t appear in your inbox by 7:03 a.m., there’s a good chance the scheduling failed. So either let me know on Twitter or in email or in the comments, or wait until I notice something’s wrong and post it myself. Otherwise, there should be a prompt every day.

I’m not guaranteeing that the prompts will be happening until December 31. But there’s a good chance that’s what’s happening.


HVU: What is this mysterious “HVU” I hear you not ask? Well, HVU stands for “Heroes & Villains Universe”, and it is an in-browser game I’m making.

At this point, you can choose whether you’re a “Hero” or a “Villain”, and you can pick out your costumed name. You can choose gender pronoun, hair color and length, eye color, height, and build.

You are stuck with a default character of either Lorelai, Leon, Kelsey, Kramer, or Riddle. The default character is randomly assigned. So, just like in real life, you’re “born” with a name you may or may not like.

HVU bridges the events in the Heroes & Villains books, filling in the gaps. Plus there’s side-stories, bonus content for Patreon patrons, and unlock codes for extra stuff.

The game isn’t ready for the public yet, but I’ll be posting a link here on Monday so ya’ll can try it out before everybody else.

Harper Kingsley presents Heroes & Villains Universe

WHAT’S TO COME: Well, I’m putting out my prompts, I’m putting out HVU, I’m working on Tuesday Night, I’m working on a few short stories, and once that novel bridge is built, there’ll be ATR. And if HVU is successful, I’ll be porting the game to Ren’py.

Any codes or bonuses earned in the browser version WILL carry over to the Ren’py version. So if anyone buys a code bundle or something, everything you get will transfer over. (The same codes will work in the browser and Ren’py versions.)

And of course, a Ren’py game is going to be more robust and more capable of different actions. As it is, the browser version of HVU has had me pulling out my hair for all the things it can’t do. (OMG, I’ve crashed my shit like 10 times trying to get this game to do the impossible.) For now, I’m settling for a fun game-story experience and my browser games are going to be simple text-based things.

Expect free game codes to be peppered through future posts. You should be able to type the code name into the search box and find any codes you’re missing. For example, “Code Aleph” was introduced a couple of weeks ago and might prove useful on Monday. Just saying.

Anyways, I’mma go outside with my dog and scribble in my notebook for a while.

Have a great day.


If you’re purchasing anything on Amazon and would like to help me out with my money woes (I’m poor), please consider using my Amazon Affiliate link. I don’t make a whole lot, but your help is enabling me to buy the Kid a new pair of khakis this month, and I consider that a win.

Count Zero at Amazon

Prompt: 055. khaki pants

1. The khaki pants she wore with her uniform polo were the least flattering things in her wardrobe.

A. The khaki pants she wore with her uniform polo were the least flattering things in her wardrobe. Which was why she’d chosen them from the discount rack.

She was hoping that her boss would finally lose interest in harassing her. She was tired of him constantly trying to cop a feel when she bent over or standing too close when he talked to her. It wasn’t like she’d ever done anything to encourage him in his pursuits; had in fact tried her best to get him to stop.

She really needed this job, otherwise she would have quit a long time ago.

2. It was picture day and his mom had threatened his life if the picture wasn’t a good one. She’d even chosen his outfit, which was why he was wearing khaki pants and a shirt with a collar when he’d rather be in a tee shirt and jeans.

A. It was picture day and his mom had threatened his life if the picture wasn’t a good one. She’d even chosen his outfit, which was why he was wearing khaki pants and a shirt with a collar when he’d rather be in a tee shirt and jeans.

The only relief he got was seeing all the other kids in their parent-chosen “best”. They looked as miserable as he felt, and some of them were wearing outfits much worse than his own.

3. The fire was caused by someone throwing a pair of khaki pants over the electrical wires hanging between their store and the pole. It knocked out the power for their half of the street.

A. The fire was caused by someone throwing a pair of khaki pants over the electrical wires hanging between their store and the pole. It knocked out the power for their half of the street and inconvenienced them for over two days.

By the time new wires had been strung and the pole had been repaired, all of the freezers had defrosted and they’d lost thousands of dollars of profits. The children enjoyed the impromptu barbecue and ice cream party, not noticing the stress their parents were under.

Want one of these prompts filled? $5 for a digital copy of the resultant fill.