Prompt: 064. flannel shirt

1. Haunted flannel shirt that was once the favorite of someone who was murdered or who committed suicide.

A. The flannel shirt had an irresistible pull. The cut and folds were meant to hug the wearer in flattering curves. The lingering scent of the previous owner still seemed impressed into the threads. No matter how many times it was washed, it held the traces of its first owner.

2. The last remnant of their relationship was an old flannel shirt she’d saved in a drawer.

A. The last remnant of their relationship was an old flannel shirt she’d saved in a drawer. She’d even forgotten that she had it until she was gathering things to donate to the local charity. And then she’d found it, and for a moment it felt as though all the air had been sucked out of the room.

There wasn’t a single trace of him left in the shirt. It had been washed since he’d last worn it and she had even worn it herself several times. But the instant her hand touched the age softened cotton, she felt nineteen again. Young and in love, with no idea how bad things were going to get.

3. The instant he began walking down the hallway he felt self-conscious about the way he was dressed. Everyone else had fashionable and expensive clothes, while he was wearing the best that he had and looked like a country bumpkin with his flannel shirt and jeans.

A. The instant he began walking down the hallway he felt self-conscious about the way he was dressed. Everyone else had fashionable and expensive clothes, while he was wearing the best that he had and looked like a country bumpkin with his flannel shirt and jeans. If he could have, he would have hidden his scuffed boots from view.

He was the new kid starting in the middle of the school year. Everyone had already made their friends, formed their cliques, and decided what was popular or not. And looking around, he could already tell that he didn’t fit in.

Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

Prompt: 063. garbage

1. The neighbor’s dogs had knocked over the garbage cans again, though this time they’d ripped open several bags and spread garbage all through the alley.

A. The neighbor’s dogs had knocked over the garbage cans again, though this time they’d ripped open several bags and spread garbage all through the alley. It was a disgusting mess.

“I’m not cleaning this up,” Mellie announced. “No f’ing way. Not this time.”

“What are you going to do?” her husband asked. “Honey?”

“I’m going over there to have a talk with them. This is the third time their dogs have come over here and messed with our garbage. Enough is enough.”

2. There was the strong smell of garbage, that’s what he’d remember later. That as he pushed open the back door there’d been the sour stink of rotten food and something that made his mouth water with the urge to vomit.

A. There was the strong smell of garbage, that’s what he’d remember later. That as he pushed open the back door there’d been the sour stink of rotten food and something that made his mouth water with the urge to vomit.

“Grandma?” his voice quavered. There was no reply.

He stood in the doorway indecisively, the buzzing of flies the only sound he could hear. To go in or go back out.

3. She’d begun to cry even before the police officer got around to mentioning that his body had been found discarded on a pile of garbage.

A. She’d begun to cry even before the police officer got around to mentioning that his body had been found discarded on a pile of garbage. Someone had thrown him into a dumpster after strangling the life out of him. He was never coming home.

They left her with a handful of business cards and a sleepless night of weeping and fretting.

By the time morning came around, she felt as though she’d pulled herself somewhat together. Enough that she was ready to make the dozens of phone calls she needed to make. Starting with a call to his mother.

An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

Prompt: 062. I pee standing up

1. Hiding as a man wasn’t as hard as she’d thought it was going to be. She’d found a hollow tube device that allowed her to pee standing up, and she spoke with the deepest, most boyish voice that she could manage.

A. Hiding as a man wasn’t as hard as she’d thought it was going to be. She’d found a hollow tube device that allowed her to pee standing up, and she spoke with the deepest, most boyish voice that she could manage.

Following the other recruits, she lined up to receive her new uniform and bunk assignment. Training was supposed to begin the next day after everyone had settled in. It would give her one night to figure out her options for bathing and feminine hygiene.

2. A young man tormented by the memory of “being the girl” for his abuser. Has a hard time coming to grips with the fact that he hated what had been done to him but also liked some of the clothes he’d worn and the way they’d made him feel.

A. A young man tormented by the memory of “being the girl” for his abuser. Has a hard time coming to grips with the fact that he hated what had been done to him but also liked some of the clothes he’d worn and the way they’d made him feel.

He was a fascinating case study. It was too bad that he refused to give permission for his story to be shared in the psychology journals. Especially since the first paper had already been submitted and accepted.

3. “Oh yeah, well I pee standing up!” was the last thing he remembered shouting before her fist hit him so hard he lost consciousness for fifteen minutes.

A. “Oh yeah, well I pee standing up!” was the last thing he remembered shouting before her fist hit him so hard he lost consciousness for fifteen minutes.

When he woke up, she was long gone with the briefcase full of money and his favorite gun. He was almost tempted to let her get away so he didn’t have to deal with her again, but he really didn’t have a choice. Robbing him was bad enough, but she’d done it in such a way that everyone knew about it.

He would have to teach her a lesson. One that no one was going to forget.

Hogfather at Amazon

Prompt: 061. I hear dead people

1. The confession was made in a breathy whisper: “I hear dead people. I can’t see them, but I can talk to them. They tell me how they died and beg for me to help them. I’m scared.”

A. The confession was made in a breathy whisper: “I hear dead people. I can’t see them, but I can talk to them. They tell me how they died and beg for me to help them. I’m scared.”

“Are you hearing them right now?”


2. As a medium, being able to speak to and hear dead people was a prerequisite of the job. But if you had the Gift, they didn’t allow you to choose another job. It was a catch-22.

A. As a medium, being able to speak to and hear dead people was a prerequisite of the job. But if you had the Gift, they didn’t allow you to choose another job. It was a catch-22.

Every child was tested when they reached ten years old. And if the result was positive, they were sent to their local Training Center. Where they would learn the skill of speaking to the dead and understanding the language of souls.

3. “I’m hearing dead people.” It was a sobering observation as the sound of recorded screams got louder and more intense.

A. “I’m hearing dead people.” It was a sobering observation as the sound of recorded screams got louder and more intense.

They listened for the full ten minutes, until the last scream wound down into silence. Then there was the sound of footsteps and bodies being dragged away.

It was a relief when a twenty minute break was called. Nobody looked at each other as they shuffled out of the room.