Prompt: 075. 10000 rats

1. After the flood waters receded over 10,000 rats were spotted running through the city streets, squeaking and squealing, fighting over scraps of food, and spreading out to make new nests.

A. After the flood waters receded over 10,000 rats were spotted running through the city streets, squeaking and squealing, fighting over scraps of food, and spreading out to make new nests. It was a disgusting reminder that the city had fallen far below accepted standards.

A federal mandate was released. Cities were required to ensure that all buildings and infrastructure met government guidelines. There was a posted list of cities and the dates when government officials would be running inspections. Everyone was panicking as their city bureaucrats began closing down any building that didn’t meet strict criteria. Property owners fought to keep their houses and buildings from being condemned.

Millions of people were issued notices of eviction as their landlords viewed them as risky renters. The ranks of the homeless began to swell, creating an unforeseen shift in society.

2. (Rats = rations.) The Governor announced that the Peacekeepers would be enforcing the new curfew and that the investigation would continue. Until the 10,000 stolen Rats were found, the people would remain under martial law.

A. The Governor announced that the Peacekeepers would be enforcing the new curfew and that the investigation would continue. Until the 10,000 stolen Rats were found, the people would remain under martial law.

The instant the curfew was lifted in the morning, Anna hurried to join the bread line. She almost wept on seeing that it already snaked around the street corner, but didn’t hesitate to take her place. Her family hadn’t had bread the past two days as the curfew bells had rung before she’d reached the front of the line.

Today she was hopeful that they would receive their bread ration. If not, she didn’t know what they would do.

3. They called him the “Killer King” for the 10,000 rats that had been confirmed as his kills.

A. They called him the “Killer King” for the 10,000 rats that had been confirmed as his kills. They were talking about giving him a medal and having him go on the talk show circuit. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about either idea, but he’d gotten good at doing as he was told.

He was a long way away from being that troubled teen that decided stealing a car was a great life decision. Though sometimes he had to wonder at what he’d become.

Witch King at Amazon

Prompt: 074. turned to stone

1. Facing down a gorgon had to be the stupidest thing they’d ever done. They weren’t just risking death, but being turned to stone.

A. Facing down a gorgon had to be the stupidest thing they’d ever done. They weren’t just risking death, but being turned to stone. Sentient statues left to suffer for all time or until they were shattered all at once or a piece at a time. Yet here they were, going over the plans one last time before they went to their doom in the morning.

“We’re idiots.”

“What was that?”

“You heard me. We’re all idiots. Every single one of us. What are we doing? We should be running away.”

2. He felt his heart turn to stone as he watched them from the shadows. Kissing, groping, betraying him–his lover with his best friend.

A. He felt his heart turn to stone as he watched them from the shadows. Kissing, groping, betraying him–his lover with his best friend.

They were beautiful. It wasn’t something he wanted to notice, but he wasn’t blind. They were beautiful together, their bodies complementary in a way his could never be. They looked like two parts of a single whole

He watched them until they were finished. He couldn’t force himself to look away. Then he quietly turned around and strode through the woods back to where he’d left the car.

They could have each other. He would find his own happiness.

3. “…turned to stone and shattered into a million pieces. The End.

A. “…turned to stone and shattered into a million pieces. The End.”

“One more story! One more story!”

“I don’t know, it’s getting pretty late.”


Unable to refuse such a look of entreaty, Jordan flipped through the storybook in search of a short story. He could spare a few extra moments before the meeting.

“Oh, this is one of my favorites. I really think you’re going to like it too.”

Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

Prompt: 073. well-rounded individual

1. The applicant looked like a well-rounded individual on paper, but the Coordinator had added a query form to the folder.

A. The applicant looked like a well-rounded individual on paper, but the Coordinator had added a query form to the folder. There’d been something about the man that had rung alarm bells somewhere.

Now it was up to the human resources department to pinpoint what it was about the applicant that had raised flags with the system. It was a mess that no one wanted to fall across their desk. Not least because there was a man at the other end of the application desperately waiting to find out whether he had a job or not.

2. Her scores showed that she had a well-rounded knowledge of the individual skills, but it was in one category that she truly excelled.

A. Her scores showed that she had a well-rounded knowledge of the individual skills, but it was in one category that she truly excelled. One look at her results and Andrew turned to Ms. Manchin. “Hire her.”

Just that easily, the woman they’d tried so hard to keep from hiring was their coworker. They were left to wonder when she would turn them in for their actions.

3. He described himself as a “well-rounded individual” in his dating profile and listed his interests in alphabetical order.

A. He described himself as a “well-rounded individual” in his dating profile and listed his interests in alphabetical order. It was a bit off-putting, but there was something about his intro video that she liked.

Deciding to give him a chance she clicked ACCEPT on his date request. They’d share a meal and a conversation, and if it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out. But maybe he was the one. Maybe they’d meet and it would be romantic and perfect and she’d get a fairy tale happy ever after.

She figured it didn’t hurt anything to hope a little.

Faizel 02 at Amazon

Prompt: 072. no exit

1. There was no exit from the game; once a player entered their name they played to either death or victory.

A. The audience was eerily quiet as they watched the contestants gather at the front of the auditorium. As their names were called one-by-one, the contestants would step forward and bow before lining up before the Custodian. They would be taken to The Island where they would begin training.

For many of the family members in the audience, this would be their last time seeing their loved ones. There was no exit from the game; once a player entered their name they played to either death or victory.

2. Keeping their eyes focused straight ahead was made difficult by the signs passing by on either side. “NO EXIT” was repeated several times, compounding the idea that going back was not an option.

A. Keeping their eyes focused straight ahead was made difficult by the signs passing by on either side. “NO EXIT” was repeated several times, compounding the idea that going back was not an option.

Led in a circuitous route down sloping corridors that seemed to go on for hours, they passed by a handful of sealed doors before reaching their destination. Someone at the back of the group whimpered but was quickly hushed.

3. The protesters filling the parking lot marched in a circle with picket signs and tee shirts that read “NO EXIT” and “UNFAIR” in big red letters.

A. The protesters filling the parking lot marched in a circle with picket signs and tee shirts that read “NO EXIT” and “UNFAIR” in big red letters. A young woman stood at the front of the crowd with a microphone in her hand, chanting slogans and keeping the energy levels up.

Someone beat a slow ThuMmThuMmThuMm beat on a beautifully handcrafted drum. It had been a journeyman’s graduating work. Now it was becoming part of history. It was the beating heart behind every documentary or news report