non-market place boogie

I have come to the realization today that I am not doing enough marketing.

As you know, I’m not super into the idea of hardcore capitalism. Which makes pushing my own PR hard for me, as I get this sense of almost religious guilt.

How can I do something if it makes me feel so bad inside?

As if I was stealing, or peeping into windows. Some hard to catch but still a crime-crime.

But I have to do some marketing. Otherwise, nobody’s ever going to find my various endeavors, are they? My stuff is going to sit out there like a dead fish, and when the technophobocalypse happens–The Rise of the Luddites!–my stuff will be wiped away with the data purges.

And maybe someone in the far off future will find a single copy of one of my books…. book 4 in a 12 part series.

The more people with my stories loaded on their Kindles, the more likelier my stuff will somehow still be out there. Hopefully in a still readable format.


Patreon: HarperKingsley –
Ko-Fi: HarperWCK –
Twitter: HarperKingsley0 –
Itch-Io: HarperKingsley –

Plus, I always appreciate cash money, so…

Paypal: HarperKingsley –

And you know, any money I get basically translates into more posts for EVERYONE. Because I know you’re out there. Because you’re helping to pay for my site hosting.

And maybe someday, after a terrible occurrence, you won’t have access to anything more than the Internet. And you can use the Search function on my blog to find a free story you liked and enjoyed. And it will be waiting there for you, like an old friend. A comfort in terrible times.

And of course, there’s always my books themselves…

Smashwords: HarperKingsley –
Amazon: Harper Kingsley –

I’m signed up for the wider distribution program, so you can look for me at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and all those other stores.

And, you know, you could always request my books through your public library.

They can’t say it’s too expensive either, because my ebooks are available FREE to libraries through Smashwords.

Anyways, I’m cooking food… So, laters!

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