New planner fever

So I was basically abusing the hell out of my new planner and a couple of things popped up:

Sakura Con is April 6-8.  That’s right, it takes place during the EASTER WEEKEND.  What kind of planning was that? Was there no other weekend available?  I mean, I’m totally going to go, but talk about your awkward scheduling.  I’ll have to dab The Kid’s tears with some of my new yaoi manga…

The Unbirthday I planned for 2012 caused a bit of a personal upset when I realized I scheduled it for May 5.  That’s right, Cinco de Mayo.  Do you know how hard it would be to get an available space at the park or anywhere else?  I had to reschedule to May 12.  I’ve got it planned where we’ll make a pinata, invite all of The Kid and The Girl’s friends, have a BBQ, and maybe add some games.  I’m also thrilled at the idea of funny hats.  Yes, I am a gigantic nerd.

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