NaNoWriMo 2024

So, I’m soft NaNoWriMo’ing this month. I mean, the org might be garbage, but the concept of National Novel Writing Month is still a good one. One that doesn’t need the control of a website that doesn’t do anything but act as a record of word counts. Like, all modern writing programs have that functionality built-in. I don’t need to bow down to A.I./LLMs for that.

Once upon a time, the org would give out good prizes for the winners, but that was a long time ago. I mean, they went from giving free software to giving discounts for software to just giving ad coupons for software as well as licking the butt of LLMs. (Seriously, I hate that they call LLMs "A.I." because they’re the farthest thing from it. And, you know, ignorant people actually believe that LLMs are anything more than regurgitation programs. Ones that occasionally just make shit up whenever they want, and thus should NEVER be used for real world issues that have real world consequences. (Like, there’s police departments using LLMs for transcribing witness statements, and they’re finding out that the programs make up a bunch of details instead of straight transcribing, and then when they’re done they ERASE THE ORIGINAL AUDIO RECORDINGS. And like, it’s terrible, but a bunch of innocent people are going to be suing cities and towns all over the country for their false incarcerations. And like, Man Eating Michael the Human Cannibal is going to be let out of prison and it’s going to be a REALLY BIG DEAL when he goes on to kill another 75 people before he’s finally caught again.) The technology is NOT READY to be used the way people are trying to force it to be used. And it’s also an environmental DISASTER that doesn’t need to be happening but techbros gotta grift otherwise they have to get real jobs and they’re never going to do that. Because they’re assholes.)

Anyways, I’m doing NaNoWriMo on my lonely lonesome. The title of my project is "Soul Unbound By Body" and it will start posting on my Patreon on November 14th. Hopefully it doesn’t suck.

~Harper Kingsley

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