More Prompts

Prompt: Sometime after a traumatic attack, a convenience store clerk was bitten by a snake.(#prompt201)

Prompt: During a public event, a left-handed turtle farmer cut down a tree.(#prompt202)

Prompt: After eating $500 in pennies, a child-actor caught the flu.(#prompt203)

Prompt: Before a dialysis session, a butler sat on the edge of a building.

Prompt: Struggling with an overlarge backpack, a firefigher fell off a ladder.(#prompt205)

Prompt: While under hypnosis, an ex-mayoral candidate was embarrassed in public.(#prompt206)

Prompt: Recently having regained human form, a cartoonist wrote a tell-all book.(#prompt207)

Prompt: Finally left alone by his family, a peanut farmer baked a terrible cake.(#prompt208)

Prompt: While processing disturbing news, a postal worker ran out of toilet paper.(#prompt209)

Prompt: While driving to court, a graphic artist drank candle wax.(#prompt210)

Prompt: On the run from the law, a malfunctioning robot that believes all humans are evil watched an inspirational movie.(#prompt211)

Prompt: As the meteors approached Earth, a three-eyed mutant found a fallen angel.(#prompt212)

Prompt 204: Before a dialysis session, a butler sat on the edge of a building.

  • butler has worked for the family for decades
  • was the fourth person to hold the Young Master after his parents and the doctor
  • he’d cared for the Young Master from infancy to adulthood
  • and now he was watching after him while he battled his own body
  • it was the hardest duty he’d ever had to perform
  • watching the man he saw as a son struggle to survive
  • sitting on the edge of the building, the butler gazes over the city as he waits for the Young Master to prepare for another dialysis session
  • keeps an ear out in case the Young Master calls for him
  • because while the Young Master insists he can do it for himself, sometimes the strength simply wasn’t there
  • but the butler was
  • always

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Same for Smashwords, yo. I have a referral link that is supposed to do something.

My unbirthday approaches (May 12th). I’m hard at work making my gifts now.

This one thing might end up being a whole novel. So that will be a very happy unbirthday to you.


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