Let’s all move to Mars!

Once again that kooky South African man is catching attention for his fantasizing about how great it would be for the remnants of humanity to survive on Mars after the cataclysmic destruction of all life on Earth.

"Why would the Earth become uninhabitable?" you may wonder, but NOBODY KNOWS. (Continue feeding ridiculous prompts into the wrong answer-machine that consumes massive amounts of once drinkable water and contributes to the overheating of the Earth’s surface.)

For reals, I’ve got a list of pet peeves that should probably be me just standing on a cliffside wordlessly SCREAMING into the void:

  • beverage companies destroying drinkable water only to come back later selling bottles of water
  • fast fashion brands quick-selling clothing that is terrible for the environment when it’s made, discarded, and when it emits deadly POISON into the human bodies that wear it
  • electric car companies that congratulate themselves for being awesome without ever explaining the environmental impacts of their batteries (Also, if you’re discarding an electric car, is there a special way you’re supposed to do it, like how we’re not supposed to just toss used double-A batteries into the trash?)
  • big companies blaming consumers for DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT! because they use single-use straws while blatantly emitting record-setting amounts of carbon into the atmosphere
  • companies selling carbon offset credits that they use to plant non-native trees they later cut down and sell for their own profits
  • monopolistic corporations taking over every part of human life only to soullessly suck away the lifeblood of the populace in the stupidest, most DESTRUCTIVE ways possible (There’s really only one factory making infant formula? All of our apple juice comes from one contaminated source? ADHD medication is really only made by like two companies? All of our TV channels are owned by one corporation so when there’s contract disputes all those stations go off the air?)
  • people are allowed to sell pretty much anything–even known poisons–as long as they call them supplements… yet the FDA has been so gutted that they don’t have enough inspectors to keep people from suffering and DYING from listeria, salmonella, e.Coli, tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc.
  • while almonds are delicious, a single company using 80% of a state’s drinkable water to grow them during a drought being allowed to do so because of an unfair contract
  • police departments indulging in acts of incredible cruelty and EVIL with the protection of "qualified immunity" that results in city’s making massive payouts, and then those cities later budgeting EVEN MORE money to police departments while cutting the budgets intended for the betterment of civilian lives
  • wealthy individuals and corporations breaking environmental laws and paying ridiculously small amounts (less than they made destroying the environment) rather than being fined on a sliding scale that will really underline the seriousness of their crimes and result in them not committing the same acts ever again
  • super yachts
  • that food packaging like potato chip bags aren’t conventionally recyclable

I’m not saying that stupid billionaires are going to KILL US ALL. But there’s a good chance they’re going to succeed at killing us all through sheer stupidity and rampant predatory capitalism.

And that they’re being allowed to gloss over everything with promises of a Martian wonderland where every man will have beautiful sister-wives that will home birth perfect children while they work an easy George Jetson-esque job that doesn’t involve laboring in the underground crystal minds of Mount Doom? Horrifying.

"Let us DESTROY the environment we need to live and in return we will allow you to slave on our Martian plantations for low-wages and oxygen credits you can redeem at company operated kiosks."

Seriously: Any non-billionaire that hops on a ship to Mars is likely going to find themself stranded there with no way back. Like those poor astronauts that were only supposed to go up to the space station for two weeks and haven’t seen their families for months and months and MONTHS.

~Harper Kingsley






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