I cannot believe that any of this is happening.
=> http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/20/politics/trump-signs-executive-order-on-obamacare/ <=
The article is worded in a weird way — as though he’s defeated some horrible beast. When really what he’s doing is killing millions of Americans.
Everything feels a bit surreal right now.
My head feels floaty and my stomach is sick.
And I get why tons of people are trying to pretend that nothing’s going on…
South Park Wikia: Memberberries
Urban Dictionary: member berries
…but when it comes down to it, we’re facing a serious calamity.
I do not condone violence for violence sake. I much prefer peaceful means of legal change.
But at this moment, for the first time in my life, I’m seriously afraid of my own government.
Not just for the laws that will be rewritten or the financial lives that will be ruined.
But for the research data that will be lost; the educational opportunities that will be derailed and lost; the victims of crime that will lose any chance at justice; and the American lives that will be both sacrificed and cruelly tossed away.
We are entering a dark time.
And now, more than ever, we need to be strong. We need to be brave. We need to stand together.
We must not allow shenanigans to divert us from what’s truly going on:
- HEALTH – They want to take away our health insurance. Obamacare = Affordable Care Act = ACA.
- ENVIRONMENT – They want oil companies to profit, and so deny climate change. As such, they’re taking away access to climate change research data. That data must be downloaded and saved for the future.
- SOCIAL – They want to normalize racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and bigotry. Even as they preach about “values”, they overlook some truly vulgar behavior and indulge in aggressive bullying tactics.
- EDUCATION – They want to destroy our educational system. The woman that’s been put in charge of education is both unqualified and driven by a personal agenda.
I’m tired of feeling helpless.
I’m tired of being afraid.
I will vote in 2018. I will vote in 2020.
And in the meanwhile…
I will resist.