I hope that everyone that has bought one of my books has enjoyed it.

Random babble. PB&J, yo.

Right now I’m just trying to get my life together. So many personal problems have severely depleted my funds, which means we’re living at my dad’s house right now. There’s plenty of room, but when I left home I never planned having to return with my tail between my legs.

I know as long as I work hard and try my best I’ll climb back up again, I just have to have patience. I have to be stalwart and brave and not let myself be assailed by doubts.

I just really want to be able to spend my life doing something I love — write — and to not have any regrets for things undone.

I have always loved to write. I think that my whole life has been driven by the dream of spending my life reading and writing books. To able to somehow make a living doing that… it would be like a sudden burst of light and sound.

Fame isn’t something I am seeking or wanting. All I want is to dream up stories and tell them to other people; I don’t need to get rich doing it, I just need to earn enough money to take care of my bills and to live on. I want to be able to go to the grocery store and buy something I want to eat and not have to pause and think “If I buy this, will I be able to buy that?” I want to be able to buy both and not have to stress so much.

So I don’t care if I’m ever rich or not. I just want to be able to live, and I want people to read my stories and enjoy them as much as I did when I thought them up.

I would really enjoy hearing back from people that have read my stuff, even if they’re just my book, movie and TV reviews.

Thank you for visiting.

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