FUTURE TALK: flying cars

I think the problem with flying cars is that if they existed, the same people that litter and throw still-lit cigarette butts out their car windows will still do that, just from 20-50 feet up in the air. So there will be fires starting on peoples’ roofs and high up in their trees. And people will have to climb up ladders to remove beer bottles and fast food trash from their gutters.

I mean, most people are like “They’ll be driving all crazy and crash into your house!” But that’s the more dangerous end of anti-flying car talk.

The normal everyday horror of flying cars would be people flying in cars doing all the same terrible things they do in regular cars. But overhead!

Birds will be flying around, minding their business, and get struck by flying cars.

Dirty diapers will rain down on peoples’ lawns, bursting open as they strike the ground. Contents splattering everywhere.

Flying cars seem absolutely horrible to me. Like, people would have to buy even more surveillance cameras but pointed upwards. And there would need to be license plates bolted to the bottom of aircars.

Police chases would be even more dangerous to bystanders. Bullets go everywhere!

It just seems nightmare-inducing. I had to share my thoughts. Like, aircars seem like a nonstarter to me 🤷🏻‍♀️

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