
So… This whole week has been a bad one for the American people. And the fault all lays with an unelected SCOTUS populated by some unfit candidates that never should have been allowed on the bench.

For reals: How many calls to the tip line did the corrupted FBI ignore to allow the hiring of Mr. Beer? How many qualifications does Little Miss Antichrist NOT possess? Oh, and don’t get me started on Mr. Best Friend whose wife made a concerted effort to overthrow the government?

The current Supreme Court of the United States does not represent the majority of the American people.

The current Supreme Court of the United States was manipulated and forced into a configuration it never should have been put into by the machinations of wannabe fascists garbing themselves in the clothes of religious zealots.

It’s very sad.

I figure the whole plan was the nullification of SCOTUS so "decisions can fall to the states," where conspirators have put their candidates into positions of authority and have set trigger laws in place to trample on the inherent rights of the American people.

It’s disgusting. It’s disheartening. It’s despairing.

I know it is.

But hold onto the light.

You are not alone. You are not the only one afraid. You are not the only one standing up, crying out for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

They didn’t think the silent majority would ever raise their voices, as they poked at us with sticks. As a bunch of losers in cloaks walked around saying they were the silent majority with their worship of their orange demon god.

They’re pathetic. They’re weak. They’re a shadow puppet play that keeps fucking with us, thinking we would just keep taking it without raising our voices to scream out "ENOUGH!!!"

  • wear a mask
  • avoid a felony charge so as to maintain your voter status
  • delete all tracking apps (period trackers. step trackers. go over your game apps to make sure they’re not tracking you.)
  • buy a burner phone to use for protests
  • raise your voice WITHOUT voicing the threats of violence we are all thinking


  • help people sign up for voting
  • support local abortion groups (making sure they’re REAL groups, as there’s a bunch of people that PRETEND to be abortion friendly but really tell people to hold off on abortions KNOWING that there’s a time limit. They are a scam. They are operators of evil and should be publicly exposed as such.)
  • make signs in support of democratic candidates
  • vote in EVERY election, not just the big ones
  • attend town council meetings
  • attend school meetings
  • push for libraries to NOT ban books (even if that means pushing for the banning of the Bible as a counterpoint ban, as it contains "questionable content such as rape, violence, patricide, fratricide, and genocide" and has been "used to foment war and violence worldwide" and has been "used to groom children into being the pawns of religious zealotry")
  • document your peaceful protests so when they instigate violence there is PROOF that the conspirators are using police as a weapon of oppression
  • DO NOT SUPPORT trouble shills (looking at YOU San Kng, who has done NOTHING good for the people, yet has pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars)
  • call out the evil people by NAME (looking at you, purchaser of the GeorgeFloyd website names, SUZANNE MENDES, a white woman that PROFITED from the murder of a Black man)

Protect yourself.

Protect your families.

Protect your friends.

Protect your neighbors.

If THEY want to do great evil to the American people… then it’s up to the American people to CALL THEM OUT by NAME in a public forum.

Do not let them sleep comfortably at night. Do not let them or their families enjoy restaurants and movies. Do not let them walk through stores without FEELING the angry eyes of the PEOPLE cataloguing their every move.

Know your laws. Use the laws. Because the same laws they’ve been manipulating for years against the rest of us, can just as easily be turned back upon them.


I want to be able to taste their tears of misery through the screen.

You are not alone.

You are strong. You are brave. You can make it through this.

You are not alone.

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