editing the beast #writing

I am running through “Heroes & Villains” again, making changes and prettying it up for print as a 6×9 trade paperback. It’s kind of stressful, but I’m going at it with tenacious verve as I am aiming for an early December release.

What does that mean for the world at large? Free copies for some lucky duckies!

That’s right, there will be giveaways. Not only am I part of the Christmas Blog Hop, but I will be running some other giveaways on the side. So keep an eye out on that, ’cause who doesn’t like free stuff, amiright?

~Peace, love, joy.

2 Comments on "editing the beast #writing"

  1. I hope it’s not too stressful ‘prettying’ up a story that, to me, was wickedly good in the first place! But I’m so happy you’re going into PRINT! Wow, what an achievement!
    *hugs* and *kisses*


    1. Don’t worry, I’m not going to completely rewrite it or anything 🙂 There were just some things I noticed and didn’t really like and people have said a few things that I need to clarify. It will still be the same.

      Thanks for saying you liked it, though. I love superheroes! They’re like zombies and vampires… always cool.


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