
I thought I would revisit my sci-fi epic. I work on these stories every once and awhile; hardcore space opera, baby, the only opera I enjoy.

They’re badly in need of editing and I need some smart sci-fi brain to go over them because I’m not sure what’s possible or not and my way of writing has changed since I started the series. Still, they’ve always been my favorites 🙂

Title: Sapphire
genre: sci-fi
series: Facet of Empire

Summary: Sapphire is brought to the prison planet Hades to find the notorious muderer William Hedell.

Excerpt of “Sapphire”

The Way of the Househusband 01 at Amazon

I don’t even know what I was thinking when I started this 🙁

The first time he saw her, Jimi knew that she was the One. The Neo to his Trinity.

She was all lean muscle and leather, her body sleek and smooth as dolphin skin. She looked like a hard woman, and the idea of it had him squirming.

She was everything he’d been dreaming of.

“All right, let’s go,” he said, striding forward. At the same time he accessed his data node and sent a quick message: I accept. Your money is being transferred as we speak. Half now and half when I leave.

So yeah. There’s a reason why I like to write full notes when I come up with a story idea. That way when I’m flipping through my notebook later I can figure out what the heck I was thinking, especially if I was inebriated at the time.

This might possibly be an S&M piece, or some kind of true love story, or I don’t even know 🙁

Bad me! No biscuit.

Hogfather at Amazon

She saw a woman open her car door and step out. Brown fur trimmed boots, dark blue skinny jeans hung so low half of her naked butt was showing, a baby blue sweater, an attractive face with dark red lips and sunglasses, all topped with a mass of riotous dark curls. The woman’s head turned, her arm extending so her hand could rest on the car door, and her hair whipped around in a smooth brown curtain. In that moment, in that light, the woman was beautiful.

“Ew, butt crack,” she said, laughing. As she watched, the woman looked around, then ducked back into her gray sedan. The door quietly closed behind her.

“Really, you can see someone’s butt crack?” Bill asked, looking up.

“You missed it.” She felt kind of bad for him. The young woman really had been quite pretty. He’d really missed out. Not that she would ever say anything about it to him. It would be too weird.

Hogfather at Amazon

Post thumbnail

Silly stuff: Is there some way I can be known as “Harper Kingsley, God MC” without knowing how to do anything? *~* Listening to “Conquest” by the White Stripes. I realize that it’s practically prehistoric, but it’s still on my playlist. Kind of hard to believe that someday it might be seen as “Classical music” by teens everywhere. *~* So true. You eat ONE White Castle Burger and you’re like “Ugh!” but THIRTY of them? That’s insane, man. “Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay” is on TV right now. Very nice 🙂 I love NPH, don’t you? *~* If anyone is interested in being given free copies of my stuff, let me know. I’m thinking about picking some pre-readers in return for BJs (just kidding!) [Not really.]

Real life: Nothing much here. Everything good happens in my head. I save all the bad stuff for real life.

by Sol Crafter
genre: mm contemporary romance
audience: ADULT

Summary: Two roommates are asked an incredibly awkward question — “So, what’s it like being in an ersatz homosexual relationship?” — which starts a whole bunch of trouble.