
Heroes & Villains at Amazon

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AUTHOR NOTE: This story begins in the future, then follows a chronological course through William and Alan’s life. This is not one of those stories that bounces backward and forward through time.
[In case you’ve heard me blab about this story before, I’ve changed the MCs name to “William Neeley” and switched the author to Sol Crafter, but that’s all.]

Let's Make Dumplings at Amazon

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Title: Serious Business
Genre: fiction
Excerpt rating: teen+/adult
Warnings: mentions non-con, language

Summary: She was not an object to be possessed. (This is the first part of an upcoming novel.)

Audio: [powerpress]


Excerpt —


 When she was a young girl, her mother had spoken of her growing up to marry a rich man that would treat her and her family well. It had seemed like nonsense at first, and she’d even joked about it with her friends. Then came the day she was told all the arrangements were made, contracts signed, and she’d realized that it was all real. They were marrying her off to some stranger for money.

Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

I love metahuman stories. I’ve written several of them and will continue to write many more. So you can probably tell that I’m a big fan of comics and movies featuring superheroes and supervillains. I love watching amazing things and seeing splashy pictures.

But when I write them, I like to find out the secrets that no one else knows. Slice of life segments of heroes and villains, explaining why they do some of the crazy things they do. Because when you’re just looking at some guy, you don’t get the ideas running through his head. You just see the peerless hero or the cackling madman.

You don’t see the guy that has to go buy milk, but has to hide the fact that he’s got one giant gorilla arm under a trench coat. You don’t see someone like Sunfire [Supergroup] washing dishes and doing his own laundry. You don’t see the feelings that run through a superhero like Blue Ice when he realizes he loves a supervillain.

There’s something so awesome about reading a superhero novel. And there’s something awesome about writing one too.


I really like this “Patriot” trailer from Bleeding Cool Ink, so I thought I’d share this too.

This is one comic I can’t wait to read. The premise is so good, and if it’s done right it can be so good.