"We are a peaceful people. Because no one dare make war with us."
I’m talking cast iron, baby
You know, it kind of sicks me up to think this pan gains flavor from what’s cooked in it.
NaNoWriMo 2021
I’m attempting NaNoWriMo, though I’m not holding myself too sternly to completing it. Just trying is enough. (The last few years have been such complete and total shit.)
The post for it is on my Patreon, and is available for Patrons of all levels. So if you want to follow along, for $1 you can enjoy my NaNoWriMo journey => https://www.patreon.com/posts/58284963.
The working title is "Castle," though it encompasses the history of a whole world affected by the arrival of a modern day man named Roland Desmond.
He doesn’t give them gunpowder or big machines, but he does give them some modern ideals and the means to create their own path toward technology.
Plus he becomes the first Emperor of their world.
It is a work-in-progress that I’ll be updating as I go along. I don’t want to spam anyone’s inbox, so I’ll do a "notify patrons" every few days, though updates will likely be more frequent than that.
He became the first Roland. The first Emperor of the World.
And his name–Desmond–was split into two new Royal Lines, and 14 Royal Houses rose to power with his wedding to his Fourteen Brides. And from one of those Lines would the next Roland be chosen.
DesSola ("dess-sol-ah") – e’Sola
DesKarta ("dess-car-tah") – eKarta
DesNoran ("dess-nor-ahn") – e’Noran
DesHana ("dess-hahn-ah") – e’Hana
DesBata ("dess-baht-ah") – e’Bata
DesGora ("dess-gore-ah") – e’Gora
DesTeran ("dess-tair-ahn") – e’Teran
MondArte ("mond-art-ay") – h’Arte
MondaRelakot ("mond-rell-ah-cot") – h’Relakot
MondSurot ("mond-ser-aht") – h’Surot
MondBenat ("mond-ben-aht") – h’Benat
MondDenate ("mond-den-ah-tay") – h’Denate
MondKuramot ("mond-ker-ah-maht") – h’Kuramot
MondTurok ("mond-ter-ah-k") – h’Turok
Roland Desmond brought the warring clans together under his banner, and introduced many sweeping changes that proved beneficial to the people.
History would recognize him as Roland Desmond, the God-Blessed, who had come to World in the midst of a godly battle, and had stayed to bring peace and prosperity to everyone.
Because of him, "Roland" became synonymous with Emperor, and there was only ever one Roland. Though there were many princes.
ARD = After Roland Desmond
BRD = Before Roland Desmond