
Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

Word on the street (graphs and numbers ganked from the CDC) suggest that we’re looking at a HOT HOT COVID SUMMER!

COVID variants BA.4 and BA.5 are taking over the midwest (wherever Alabama is) of the United States. It was brought over–again!–by tourists coming home from European vacation.

And this one? It targets lung tissue.

Hospitalizations are going up, up, UP! Same with the deaths and long-COVID results and all those horrible things having to do with an active pandemic.

What does it mean for you?


  • wash your hands
  • wear a mask
  • definitely wear a mask when you’re indoors with a bunch of people

If you want to party this summer… enjoy the great outside. And expect that the dude that only wears a mask when you insist is going to bring this terrible variant into your breathing space. Because as we’ve learned from the previous variants of COVID: Human beings are selfish unrealistic assholes.

Like, the shit never went away. People just decided to stop wearing masks or do anything to care for the public good.

And sure, the vaccines have done a bunch to mitigate all the deaths, but vaccines alone cannot stop the plague… especially when some people insist on refusing FREE vaccination and the virus has the time and freedom to mutate in their bodies.

Anyways: We’re looking at a COVID summer as the BA.4 and BA.5 variants swallow up the unvaccinated and unmasked idiots that will be massing together to listen to bad music while sharing sweaty porta potties with strangers.

PLUS, considering the complete assholicness of SCOTUS’ decisions, there will be a LOT of protesting happening this summer.

As such, I suggest that anyone attending protests wear N95 mask–not just because it helps you stay anonymous, but because it will keep you from getting a lung full of COVID (or tear gas).

  • stay hydrated
  • don’t OD on vitamin D (there’s talk that people with low-vitamin D correlate to cases of long-COVID, but there’s a delicate balance between "healthy human levels of vitamin D" and "Oh shit, I’ve got bone spurs forming on my face." But don’t stress, as you’ll notice if you’ve taken too much vitamin D before the effect becomes dangerous. You will notice a loss of appetite, constipation, dehydration, disorientation, dizziness, and fatigue. So if you take vitamin D and you notice those symptoms… dial it back. You’re taking too much.)
  • wash your hands with soap (because remember: the fats (? lipids?) in the soap bond with the spike proteins in the COVID, which means the spikes can’t grip onto you. No spiky, no sicky–like a zombie with no teeth)
  • set up an air filter unit (there are DIY instructions that should let you make an affordable filter unit–looks kind of like a big box, so it does require a bit of space, but it’s proven to work. So if you’re gonna have a big party and you’re gonna insist on packing people in like sardines, you should at least do the bare minimum to protect your friends and loved ones. It’s called a Corsi Rosenthal box, instructions here => https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/)

What to do if you’ve caught the COVID? Well, if you’re vaccinated it will hopefully be a mild case. Just make sure that once you’re "over it" you don’t exert yourself.

From the long-COVID sufferers I’ve come across online, it seems that a bulk of them were "pretty much over it" when they decided to go back to their regular lives. Basically, they pulled themselves out of their sick beds and tried to get things back to normal as soon as possible–BAD DECISION.

There’s a reason why a lot of previously athletic people are being effected by long-COVID. It seems that in trying to "get back to where they were before," they ended up exhausting their reserves before the later symptoms began to show up.

If you catch the COVID, take the time to get completely over it. And even then, for the next like 6 months, DON’T overindulge yourself with exertions. You’ve just survived a deadly disease… give your body a chance to get back on an even keel before you start training for the Olympics or power walk 30 miles.

I know that people are beginning to treat COVID as no big deal, but really: It is a big deal.

COVID is growing and evolving and learning the best ways to kill human beings and our animal friends. And without ALL humans working together to stop its spread, it keeps spreading and changing, and at this point, BA.4 and BA.5 don’t give a fuck that you’ve been vaccinated. They’ve evolved past a lot of the protections vaccines provide. And they love mangling lung tissue.

Stay safe.

Stay alive.

Enjoy the sunshine. Don’t overheat. Stick it to the man. Wash your hands and feet.

You are not alone.



Kakushigoto 01 at Amazon

So… This whole week has been a bad one for the American people. And the fault all lays with an unelected SCOTUS populated by some unfit candidates that never should have been allowed on the bench.

For reals: How many calls to the tip line did the corrupted FBI ignore to allow the hiring of Mr. Beer? How many qualifications does Little Miss Antichrist NOT possess? Oh, and don’t get me started on Mr. Best Friend whose wife made a concerted effort to overthrow the government?

The current Supreme Court of the United States does not represent the majority of the American people.

The current Supreme Court of the United States was manipulated and forced into a configuration it never should have been put into by the machinations of wannabe fascists garbing themselves in the clothes of religious zealots.

It’s very sad.

I figure the whole plan was the nullification of SCOTUS so "decisions can fall to the states," where conspirators have put their candidates into positions of authority and have set trigger laws in place to trample on the inherent rights of the American people.

It’s disgusting. It’s disheartening. It’s despairing.

I know it is.

But hold onto the light.

You are not alone. You are not the only one afraid. You are not the only one standing up, crying out for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

They didn’t think the silent majority would ever raise their voices, as they poked at us with sticks. As a bunch of losers in cloaks walked around saying they were the silent majority with their worship of their orange demon god.

They’re pathetic. They’re weak. They’re a shadow puppet play that keeps fucking with us, thinking we would just keep taking it without raising our voices to scream out "ENOUGH!!!"

  • wear a mask
  • avoid a felony charge so as to maintain your voter status
  • delete all tracking apps (period trackers. step trackers. go over your game apps to make sure they’re not tracking you.)
  • buy a burner phone to use for protests
  • raise your voice WITHOUT voicing the threats of violence we are all thinking


  • help people sign up for voting
  • support local abortion groups (making sure they’re REAL groups, as there’s a bunch of people that PRETEND to be abortion friendly but really tell people to hold off on abortions KNOWING that there’s a time limit. They are a scam. They are operators of evil and should be publicly exposed as such.)
  • make signs in support of democratic candidates
  • vote in EVERY election, not just the big ones
  • attend town council meetings
  • attend school meetings
  • push for libraries to NOT ban books (even if that means pushing for the banning of the Bible as a counterpoint ban, as it contains "questionable content such as rape, violence, patricide, fratricide, and genocide" and has been "used to foment war and violence worldwide" and has been "used to groom children into being the pawns of religious zealotry")
  • document your peaceful protests so when they instigate violence there is PROOF that the conspirators are using police as a weapon of oppression
  • DO NOT SUPPORT trouble shills (looking at YOU San Kng, who has done NOTHING good for the people, yet has pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars)
  • call out the evil people by NAME (looking at you, purchaser of the GeorgeFloyd website names, SUZANNE MENDES, a white woman that PROFITED from the murder of a Black man)

Protect yourself.

Protect your families.

Protect your friends.

Protect your neighbors.

If THEY want to do great evil to the American people… then it’s up to the American people to CALL THEM OUT by NAME in a public forum.

Do not let them sleep comfortably at night. Do not let them or their families enjoy restaurants and movies. Do not let them walk through stores without FEELING the angry eyes of the PEOPLE cataloguing their every move.

Know your laws. Use the laws. Because the same laws they’ve been manipulating for years against the rest of us, can just as easily be turned back upon them.


I want to be able to taste their tears of misery through the screen.

You are not alone.

You are strong. You are brave. You can make it through this.

You are not alone.

Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

I think about a lot of things all the time. I see things, and my brain absorbs them, and that information is there to be called up at any moment in time.

"That’s called learning, genius."–Yeah, I know. But I’m just saying that I’ll see some bit of trivia or whatever, and my brain will cling to it. A passing glance at something, and even though I’m not consciously aware of what I’ve seen… I’ll be somewhere years later and that info will pop out.

It’s useful when I find myself in a situation I’m not really prepared for to have my brain basically go "Don’t worry. We got this. X=Y, so all you gotta do is H+E+L+P and you won’t die."

So the whole "Supplements are not FDA approved, which allows them to contain pretty much ANYTHING in whatever dosages" stuck in my brain and I’ve never fallen for the various supplement scams out there.

I mean, some of those scams look AMAZING. They can really get you believing that they’re doctor(MD) approved and not "doctor(asterisk)" approved.

You can really tell when they spend lots of money on their marketing campaigns. Just chef’s kiss on that official looking packaging.

And the people they target!

They really go after people with undiagnosed normal conditions.

Like, there was one that made themselves sound like Adderall, and they describe all the symptoms without mentioning ADHD… So if you were in the grocery store–or likely gas station–and you came across the packaging with the list of recognizable symptoms but didn’t know you have ADHD, you might buy the product and end up ruining your body.

From the ingredients list, there was a lot of caffeine, which would help with the focusing and thus give you the idea that the product is working as intended. But there was also 2500% of the daily value of vitamin B6.

Enough to totally destroy your health and maybe even kill you.

It really is a product where the first taste could be lethal.

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And there’s a lot of things like that.

Little packets of pressed pills that say they’re vitamins or just call themselves supplements, and they depend on that "not FDA approved" labeling to keep you from suing them.

Because if you choose to buy something and choose to ingest it, you’ve made the choice, whatever the consequences may be. Up to and including organ damage, blood poisoning, permanent infertility, blindness, etc.

Because you’re supposed to be an adult and you’re supposed to know what you’re getting into, even if groups of people have made a concerted effort to destroy the basic education system in your country. To the point that you don’t have the capability to realize that your favorite nihilistic podcaster makes the bulk of their money selling vitamins and supplements that could possibly be death in a bottle. Maybe to the point that you don’t have the capability to recognize that your podcaster isn’t being ironic. Isn’t being fair or just. That they might have a desire to see the death of you and your family. That all they care about is money.

Like, supplement salesmen and their supporters have ruined the Better Business Bureau so as to keep schilling their products.

Their whole basis is greed.

Remember the "diet drink" that was supposed to "make you slim" quick?

"Just pour the pouch into a bottle of water, drink, and watch the weight disappear." And famous celebutantes came striding out of pools in bikinis and talked about how they use the product to make themselves red carpet ready and blah blah "Buy this stuff now. You won’t regret it."

And then those celebrities never addressed the people harmed? And there was a class action lawsuit, so the complainants can’t even talk about it or they lose their payouts? And the product disappeared off the shelves, and the company likely changed their name, but all those investors definitely got rich?

Remember that? Yeah.

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Not all supplements are bad.

Too much of anything isn’t good for you. Like, there’s a whole thing where you can eat too much seaweed, then you’ll suffer dietary distress due to ingesting too much fiber. Or like, you can eat too many carrots and your skin will turn yellow.

And like, in the moment you might worry that you’re dying, but if you stop eating them, you won’t die and things will eventually go back to normal.

But there are some supplements that can have a permanent adverse effect. Whether the bad effect is caused by your liver being overloaded and shutting down, or your electrolytes are thrown so far out of balance that you OD, bad things can happen.

So it’s really not a good idea to jump on any fad and make that your identity.

Just because people are doing something doesn’t mean that it’s something they should be doing or that it’s healthy.

And sometimes, people lie.

Remember those YouTubers that pretended to make a glowing liquid by pouring normal household items into a glass? And then people were trying it at home and it wasn’t working. And then finally they admitted that they’d stopped the camera and poured the insides of a glowstick into the glass and that it was all a trick?

Or remember when those YouTubers filmed themselves drinking boiling water through a straw and being all right? Then some kid tried it and died, and it turned out to all be a "funny" trick?

In those instances, people used fakery to get hits and likes on their ad-revenued videos. They didn’t think about the people at home watching their videos, believing their lies were truth because they never said anywhere on their videos or in the descriptions that it wasn’t real. In fact, they insisted that everything they did was real up until they were faced with their deception.

And in that same way, those selling supplements for profit don’t go out of their way to warn their customers.

They don’t say that too much B6 causes sensitivity to the sun, painful and disfiguring skin legions, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and heartburn, numbness, and involuntary muscle movements.

Too much calcium causes bone pain, headaches, fatigue, and lethargy.

Too much vitamin A causes nausea, vomiting, vertigo, blurry vision, bone thinning, liver damage, headache, diarrhea, skin irritation, pain in the joints and bones, and birth defects.

Too much vitamin C causes diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, bone spurs, iron overload, kidney stones, and insomnia.

There’s a reason why the best way to get your daily value of vitamins is through your diet. Because while you can theoretically overdose on carrots… there comes a point where your stomach simply can’t fit anymore.

And sure, you can make a smoothie so packed with vitamins and fiber that someone will crap their pants after drinking it… but for the most part, you’re less likely to overdose on vitamins and minerals when eating food.

A compressed pill that someone likely haphazardly mixed in their backyard lab could have any amount of a particular ingredient. Some pills might have a little, some might have a lot, and while the packaging should list what’s inside the pill… a lot of extras are handwaved away as "natural flavor."

Adding a bit of powdered kale to your fruit and vegetable smoothie is a healthier option than trustingly swallowing mystery pills you buy from a gas station display.

Because as long as they call it a supplement, they don’t have to feel responsible when you swallow a pill and your health disintegrates as a result. They can enjoy their money, push more product, and never have to worry they’ll be called into court.

As long as the packaging says it’s not FDA approved, their hands are clean from a legal standpoint. Even as they game the SEO results so that their products are the first to appear for every question. Even as they pay to have their sponsored posts appear at the top of every search result. Even as they pay people to write posts so they have content on their sites to lure in the unwary. Their hands are clean. From a legal standpoint.

And someone right now is swallowing a pill with 2500% of the recommended daily value of vitamin B6. Because they think it’s "healthier" to treat their undiagnosed ADHD with unregulated supplements rather than to visit a doctor and receive a prescription for FDA approved medication.

Because that someone has swallowed the anti-science propaganda and doesn’t believe in medicine.

They’ve watched a YouTube video. They’ve heard a paid sponsor touting the amazing benefits of a trendy supplement. And they feel like they’ve done all the due diligence necessary to take their health in hand.

"It’s not like vitamins and minerals can hurt someone," they’ll say, insisting that "vitamins are healthy." Even as they consume an amount well above the recommended daily dosage.