AUDIO: She Walks
How do I make my voice be less high pitched? It’s so sharp and piercing 🙁 I hate it.
she walks.wav
How do I make my voice be less high pitched? It’s so sharp and piercing 🙁 I hate it.
she walks.wav
I don’t even know. There’s no excuses to say. My voice is so piercing, and pitchy today.
here i am.wav
Word on the street (graphs and numbers ganked from the CDC) suggest that we’re looking at a HOT HOT COVID SUMMER!
COVID variants BA.4 and BA.5 are taking over the midwest (wherever Alabama is) of the United States. It was brought over–again!–by tourists coming home from European vacation.
And this one? It targets lung tissue.
Hospitalizations are going up, up, UP! Same with the deaths and long-COVID results and all those horrible things having to do with an active pandemic.
What does it mean for you?
If you want to party this summer… enjoy the great outside. And expect that the dude that only wears a mask when you insist is going to bring this terrible variant into your breathing space. Because as we’ve learned from the previous variants of COVID: Human beings are selfish unrealistic assholes.
Like, the shit never went away. People just decided to stop wearing masks or do anything to care for the public good.
And sure, the vaccines have done a bunch to mitigate all the deaths, but vaccines alone cannot stop the plague… especially when some people insist on refusing FREE vaccination and the virus has the time and freedom to mutate in their bodies.
Anyways: We’re looking at a COVID summer as the BA.4 and BA.5 variants swallow up the unvaccinated and unmasked idiots that will be massing together to listen to bad music while sharing sweaty porta potties with strangers.
PLUS, considering the complete assholicness of SCOTUS’ decisions, there will be a LOT of protesting happening this summer.
As such, I suggest that anyone attending protests wear N95 mask–not just because it helps you stay anonymous, but because it will keep you from getting a lung full of COVID (or tear gas).
What to do if you’ve caught the COVID? Well, if you’re vaccinated it will hopefully be a mild case. Just make sure that once you’re "over it" you don’t exert yourself.
From the long-COVID sufferers I’ve come across online, it seems that a bulk of them were "pretty much over it" when they decided to go back to their regular lives. Basically, they pulled themselves out of their sick beds and tried to get things back to normal as soon as possible–BAD DECISION.
There’s a reason why a lot of previously athletic people are being effected by long-COVID. It seems that in trying to "get back to where they were before," they ended up exhausting their reserves before the later symptoms began to show up.
If you catch the COVID, take the time to get completely over it. And even then, for the next like 6 months, DON’T overindulge yourself with exertions. You’ve just survived a deadly disease… give your body a chance to get back on an even keel before you start training for the Olympics or power walk 30 miles.
I know that people are beginning to treat COVID as no big deal, but really: It is a big deal.
COVID is growing and evolving and learning the best ways to kill human beings and our animal friends. And without ALL humans working together to stop its spread, it keeps spreading and changing, and at this point, BA.4 and BA.5 don’t give a fuck that you’ve been vaccinated. They’ve evolved past a lot of the protections vaccines provide. And they love mangling lung tissue.
Stay safe.
Stay alive.
Enjoy the sunshine. Don’t overheat. Stick it to the man. Wash your hands and feet.
You are not alone.
So… This whole week has been a bad one for the American people. And the fault all lays with an unelected SCOTUS populated by some unfit candidates that never should have been allowed on the bench.
For reals: How many calls to the tip line did the corrupted FBI ignore to allow the hiring of Mr. Beer? How many qualifications does Little Miss Antichrist NOT possess? Oh, and don’t get me started on Mr. Best Friend whose wife made a concerted effort to overthrow the government?
The current Supreme Court of the United States does not represent the majority of the American people.
The current Supreme Court of the United States was manipulated and forced into a configuration it never should have been put into by the machinations of wannabe fascists garbing themselves in the clothes of religious zealots.
It’s very sad.
I figure the whole plan was the nullification of SCOTUS so "decisions can fall to the states," where conspirators have put their candidates into positions of authority and have set trigger laws in place to trample on the inherent rights of the American people.
It’s disgusting. It’s disheartening. It’s despairing.
I know it is.
But hold onto the light.
You are not alone. You are not the only one afraid. You are not the only one standing up, crying out for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
They didn’t think the silent majority would ever raise their voices, as they poked at us with sticks. As a bunch of losers in cloaks walked around saying they were the silent majority with their worship of their orange demon god.
They’re pathetic. They’re weak. They’re a shadow puppet play that keeps fucking with us, thinking we would just keep taking it without raising our voices to scream out "ENOUGH!!!"
Protect yourself.
Protect your families.
Protect your friends.
Protect your neighbors.
If THEY want to do great evil to the American people… then it’s up to the American people to CALL THEM OUT by NAME in a public forum.
Do not let them sleep comfortably at night. Do not let them or their families enjoy restaurants and movies. Do not let them walk through stores without FEELING the angry eyes of the PEOPLE cataloguing their every move.
Know your laws. Use the laws. Because the same laws they’ve been manipulating for years against the rest of us, can just as easily be turned back upon them.
I want to be able to taste their tears of misery through the screen.
You are not alone.
You are strong. You are brave. You can make it through this.
You are not alone.