It’s brain damage, lots of brain damage
The world today has become a scary place, and the most terrifying aspect of it all is the blasé attitudes of those that are supposed to be concerned with the care and goodwill of the everyday people.
I expect randoms on the Internet to have terrible takes that they don’t hesitate to share en masse, but those in positions of authority should be able to step forward with clear and concise explanations for why we need to do this or that, or at the very least they should be able to direct us to actual scientists with scientific explanations for why something is happening and why we, the individuals at home, need to wear masks, wash our hands, and all the other things we should be doing to protect ourselves from a deadly and/or debilitating disease.
The information I’ve seen in the last few months is scaring me.
I seen that even if someone had asymptomatic COVID, there are visual effects on their brain. Something about depressions in the high functions portion of the brain, the parts that handle problem solving and let’s you think ahead to consequences for your actions. The administrative function portion of the brain?
They are running MRIs on people and finding that they have brain damage.
That’s what long-COVID is: brain damage.
It takes time for the brain to heal damages or to reroute this or that function, thus allowing the senses of smell and taste to come back, but there’s a good chance that a lot of people will have permanent brain fog. That those IQ points they lost will be permanently gone.
And they’re saying that the way the virus works, when someone is infected they are emotionally compromised. They are more likely to trust and want to be around strangers… which may be an aspect of the virus wanting its host carrier to come into contact with as many people as possible. It’s a means of procreation for the virus, spreading itself throughout the vulnerable populace.
That humans, unlike animals, are driving cars, filing paperwork, going back to administrative jobs, and making life-and-death decisions while they’re compromised isn’t the fault of the virus. It’s the carelessness of humans.
And that carelessness has expanded to the point that people have basically stopped wearing masks (or never started) and they’re screaming "YOLO!" while doing all the fun and amazing things they’ve never done before because "I could die tomorrow! Whoo!"
And whether some of those people are already infected and they’re being compelled to wander through grocery stores or attend big public events where they can breathe in the crammed-in sweat and breath of thousands of strangers… We don’t know.
The infected are amongst us. And they don’t have the higher brain functions to care about the safety and livelihoods of those around them.
All they care about is themselves.
"Why would I care that some random gas station attendant can’t afford proper medical insurance and that they’re the sole wage-earner of their family? I’m living my best life!"
"I need a doctor now! Why do I care that I’ve just exposed a whole ER-worth of people with a deadly and debilitating disease? I am the most important person in any room I enter!"
"I want to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it… The only people dying are the immunocompromised, the young, and the old. I’m none of those, so I’ll be fine. Yay me!"
And it’s incredibly stupid to me.
The information is available! The concerns have been raised!
But the stock market is the god of a lot of people, and all they care about is their profit margins. "There is no time for the working class people to get over a potentially deadly virus and heal completely because the stock market numbers must always go up, up, UP. So I can go over my water ration by 230,000 gallons during a death-causing drought because I’m important and special."
There are no doctors’ appointments available at lots of places, and they don’t have the higher brain function to realize cause and effect: That the careless selfishness of some people has resulted in the deaths of doctors and essential service personnel. That the staffing shortage is to the point that that people can’t receive care when a problem is minor, and those minor illnesses are going to have the opportunity to bloom and grow, thus shortening the lives and limiting the quality of life of billions of people.
So that a few can have a good time… the rest of us must suffer.
It’s a moral tale about the unfair distribution of resources.
Because those with lots of money are not suffering, and because they are living without consequence, they are mentally incapable of grasping the misery of people poorer than themselves. It’s affluenza, and it’s killing people.
"But affluenza isn’t a real thing! It was a made-up disease to shorten the sentence of a juvenile offender with rich parents."–Except that it was recognized as a real condition by the courts. It was the reasoning used to send that kid to what amounted to rich people summer camp rather than juvenile hall where he belonged. (Maybe if he’d experienced real punishment for his actions, he wouldn’t have re-offended so shortly after being released!)
If affluenza is a real condition effecting those born into wealth… Why has there been no focus on correcting the problem? Why are rich parents allowed to continue abusing their children in such a grotesque and irresponsible manner?
Why do the majority have to suffer so that the few can live their best lives?
~Harper Kingsley