Sneak Peeks

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Title: Idlewile
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: pop idol romance
Rating: PG-13
Chapter word count: 6760 (27 ms pages)

Summary: Idlewile is a famous pop idol. That’s all my summary-deficient brain could come up with. I really like this story, I think other people will really like this story, but I’m terrible at explaining what I’ve written.

Set in a somewhat dystopian future, George Idleston is the pop idol known as Idlewile. His page here.


By Harper Kingsley

All Systems Red at Amazon

Title: Bastian
Series: The Brownstone Diaries
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm contemporary romance
A/N: This excerpt is the start of the story. Looking for beta readers if anyone is interested. And of course, once it’s all done and published for real, there’s acknowledgements and a free good copy.

Summary: A bookshop clerk meets a lawyer and they both get a little crushy on each other. Like literally.


All Systems Red at Amazon


Title: Leviathan
Author: Linnea Kingsley
Genre: fantasy, mm
Story rating: Mature
Excerpt rating: PG

Summary: A young man finds himself in a very strange situation with a very strange companion.

Coming soon to a store near you (on the Internet.)

Leave a comment if you want an early copy and are willing to offer constructive feedback.

Panoply at Amazon

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Title: Serious Business
Genre: fiction
Excerpt rating: teen+/adult
Warnings: mentions non-con, language

Summary: She was not an object to be possessed. (This is the first part of an upcoming novel.)

Audio: [powerpress]


Excerpt —


 When she was a young girl, her mother had spoken of her growing up to marry a rich man that would treat her and her family well. It had seemed like nonsense at first, and she’d even joked about it with her friends. Then came the day she was told all the arrangements were made, contracts signed, and she’d realized that it was all real. They were marrying her off to some stranger for money.