
This one goes out to Katherine. She’s a wonderful patron and friend from Patreon.

Author: Harper Kingsley
Original Fiction
World: Being Blaise
Genre: drama
Rating: mature(?)

He’s not a bad guy. At least, he doesn’t think he is. He’s just someone that knows how to take care of himself in any situation. He’s not the kind to leave an opportunity unplucked.

There’s always been a hunger in him. A boundless need to survive. No matter what test was thrown at him, he always fought to the very end. It was one of those things that kept him special: pure.

Sometimes he feels a genocidal fury. The echo of his people at home, their fierce warrior spirit and their need to subdue, conquer. He hates that part of himself. That sour evil persona that rode in his skin.

He needed to get away from the temptation. He needed to start somewhere new and fresh.

He needed just one chance.

So when he found the letters from the delightful Smith family, he was happy to take the call. It felt like destiny. Everything he ever wanted neatly wrapped up in a bow.

A new name. A new life. A great opportunity.


The Family is a strange one. They smile at him so brightly and pull him into their home. He forces himself to put on a bright persona, one of such saccharine sweetness that it nearly turns his teeth. He is willing to do anything to stay in this much sweeter country, even act the fool.

He is enrolled in school. He gets a job stocking shelves in a grocery store.

He had been a ruler of men, and now he was mopping floors and reading books. He had never been happier.

It’s why he chose the name Blaise Lumineer Andrews for his new life. It displayed his enthusiasm and just the right amount of gaudy ridiculousness to brighten his mood.


He slipped his way through every bit of their life. He became serpentlike and sly, spreading himself out until they had no choice but to accept him.

He became one of the centers of their world. They LOVED him, and he knew it well.

Which is why it was such a shock when they abandoned him at a mall and disappeared. He was a smart man, he could have figured out where they were. But he also had the common sense to accept what had happened.

He’d been abandoned.


It hurt to know how many times it had happened and how many times it would probably happen again. People come and people go, and they would always leave him behind with a shallow goodbye.

Blaise hugged himself for ten minutes straight.

Then he went and got wasted, shoving off the grasping hand of amorous would-be lovers. He didn’t have any kind of skin-hunger at the moment. He only wanted to be left alone.

To wallow in the loneliness of knowing that he was alone in a country far from home. The only people that he’d had to cling to in this strange place had thrown him away.

He’d get along, he always did.


The man in the mirror was a shadow of someone he used to know. He doesn’t even have that name anymore.

He works so hard everyday, but it never feels like he’s getting anywhere. There’s never enough money and there’s a growing sense of helplessness that he hates.

He’d spent a childhood scrabbling in the muck with his aunt at his side, so he feels like he should be managing better. His aunt is long gone and it’s just him now, which makes everything different.

Poverty was the reason he’d turned to crime in his first life. But he’s trying to be someone new this time. He wants to make a different choice.

It’s just hard sometimes.

He’d get a spark of temptation when his stomach was gurgling and he was eating ramen out of the pan.

Back in the old days he’d still be eating ramen, but at least he hadn’t had to be the one to cook it. There’d always been a bitchboy or two running around, ready to fall all over themself to please him.

He missed having minions and lackeys. He missed the hustle and bustle and NOISE of having other people around.

He hated living alone.

At least when he’d been a villain he’d had company and someone to take care of him. But now he couldn’t even afford the cheapest of Companions.

Being Blaise was harder than he would have thought.


STORY PROMPT => Tungee (American Dad) isn’t actually an orphan boy, not in the way that he presented himself. He’s really a guerrilla fighter that found some letters and tricked his way out of a warzone.

He’s not a bad guy. At least, he doesn’t think he is. He’s just someone that knows how to take care of himself in any situation. He’s not the kind to leave an opportunity unplucked.

Faizel 02 at Amazon

I’m not 100% sure what I’m supposed to feel about the kdrama “Fated to Love You.” I’m pretty sure I saw the Chinese version of this show, and while I watched it to the end, there was something a bit distasteful about the whole thing.

A rich guy sleeps with the wrong girl after getting drunk and gets her pregnant. So of course they have to be married, you know, for reasons.

The opening scene is a little, er, I’m not sure how to describe it. Though I will say the guy’s chest is full of ribs. Which I guess is supposed to be super sexy, except he’s kind of a skeeze.

I’ve only just started watching the show, so I’m not sure, maybe it will get really good. I’ve had a couple of kdramas that I thought would be duds turn out to be my favorites. I don’t know, but I’ll keep you all updated…

Where I’m watching it: Netflix.


Title: Rescue Position
Series: Franz Caulder
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: urban fantasy, mm
Summary: Something from the middle.


Except there was no joke. Carrie-Ann was dead at thirteen. She hadn’t even come up with a superhero name yet. They were never going to join the League together.

Franz wanted to turn and run away, but the dream held him mesmerized. He gazed down at Carrie-Ann and it felt like he was getting farther and farther away from her, his body growing taller and taller. Except he was focusing down and down like a telescope and details jumped out at him before he felt himself pulled forward and through.

Carrie-Ann’s eye, which had been glazed in death, morphed into its normal bright blue. Then the blue expanded to fill the whole of her eye socket and the blue rose up to surround him and there were shadowy images moving in the depths and his heart leapt when he thought he caught a glimpse of Nigel out of the corner of his eye, a Nigel in his civilian clothes with his red dressing gown and Sherlock pipe.

Franz turned toward where Nigel had gone and flowed forward. The blue swallowed him up and parted around him at the same time and he found himself standing on a beach staring out at the ocean. There was a nervous presence at his side, and when he turned to look he wasn’t surprised to see Blue Devil, her full face mask carved out of cobalt blue metal that flowed down and down until suddenly her uniform was all blue and black and metal armor. And the rest of the Teen Demis were arrayed behind her and they were all changed into metal too and they were looking at him, judging him.

“What do you want?” he demanded. Those weren’t the words he wanted to say, but they were the ones that came out. He felt as if he was reading a script, experiencing something that had already happened before.

“What we’ve always wanted. A home.” Blue Devil spoke, but it sounded like all of the Teen Demis in a chorus, in a song. “You’ve gone down the rabbit hole, but who’s to know where you will come up? Wonderland is not real.”

“I know that. I learned that dreams weren’t real when I was just a little kid.” He fisted his hair and pulled until his spine began to tingle. “I want to go home. I don’t want to be here anymore.”

Blue Devil cocked her head with a rasping of stone. “Don’t you know? You are home. This is your home. This is who you are. You will live here and die here and no one will ever know your name. Do you know your name?”

“Of course I know my name!” He opened his mouth to shout it, but nothing came out. There was just a rushing emptiness where the name used to be. “How can I not know my name? What’s wrong with me?”

Everything.” It was a whisper, and when he whirled to see where it had come from, he barely caught a glimpse of plaid pajama pants.

“Don’t leave me!” He stumbled after that half-hearted glimpse, the memory of home and love and safety.

The ground fell out from under his feet and he fell and fell with wind whipping by on both sides and it felt like he fell forever. When he struck the bottom, he limped away on a numb leg and when it became too much he fell down and began to crawl.

There was the faint tinkle of a merry tune floating to him on the breeze and he followed it down the path through the woods. It got darker and darker the further he went, and he started seeing snarling wolf faces and glowing eyes and the anxiety rose up so much in him that he didn’t even care about the slimy toadstools and wormy dirt and moss he dug his hands through as he crawled.

He kept to the winding beaten path. It was brown with packed dirt and pine needles, lined on both sides by gravel. It was only up close that he saw the wriggling of bugs, that he felt what was hidden just under the pine needles as his hands squelched under his weight. He could feel things moving against the back of his hands and he realized that he could stand up and walk so he did and he wondered why he’d been crawling at all. It seemed like such a strange thing to do.

And the shadows fled and the path lightened, sunlight peeking through breaks in the tree cover. There was birdsong and the chittering of small animals and the crackle of the pine needles under his feet.

And he noticed he wasn’t wearing his shoes anymore, but cartoon cat print flip flops and those stupid red shorts he’d finally thrown away when he was twelve. Only the shorts fit him now and so did the striped shirt he wore and he knew that he was starting fourth grade in a couple of weeks and this was the last summer where he got to have fun.

He was exploring the woods while Nigel and his friends Evan, Warrick, and Caspian got the fire going. They’d been having a hard time when he left, and he’d told them the wood was too wet but they were adults and he was a kid so they didn’t listen. It felt like the perfect time for him to scout out the area and make sure there were no bears.

He figured if he saw a bear, he could poke it with a stick.

Only he’d forgotten which way camp was and the path wound around and crisscrossed in some places and his legs ached and he thought he’d been walking for hours.

He sniffled, realizing he was going to be alone forever. Then he heard someone yelling and it sounded like his name, only he couldn’t hear it very well so he started running toward where it had come from.

He ran and ran, and his legs began to burn so he kicked them off and he was flying over the ground faster and faster until the whole world was a single blur. And in that stillness between the moments he found Nigel at a round table standing and drinking his usual cup of tea.

Only it wasn’t Nigel. It was Lightspeed. And he was just a little boy in stupid red shorts and he didn’t know what to do.

“I’m not the one you’re looking for,” he said, tugging at his shirt to show what he meant.

Lightspeed looked down at him, and his mask hid his expression and made him seem disappointed. “No, you’re not.”

“Do you know my name?” he asked.

“It’s not your name anymore,” Lightspeed said. He shook his head sadly. “You’re no one. You’re nothing.” He waved his hand around. “None of this is even real.”

“I’m real!”

“Are you?” Lightspeed poked him in the chest and he stumbled back at the sudden assault but there was no stopping it. Lightspeed was too fast and he loomed and expanded to fill the whole room and every corner, not allowing any escape. “You’re nothing more than patchwork parts about to break down. You’re not even people.”

“A person.”

People.” Lightspeed drifted back and pulled away and he took all the light in the room with him. “You’re nothing that will ever become something. You’re just an empty shell of who you used to be.”

There was a static charge feeling that grew and grew until there was a buzzing in the air, then the harsh crackle burn snap of blue lightning whipping everywhere. Lightspeed was tattered into nothing, only it was the head of Nigel that disappeared last: eyes, nose, mouth.

“How can you forget your own name? Say it with me now: ‘The whizzing wizard of speed, the daringly dashing Lightspeed, and his sidekick, the explosive and exciting, K–‘” Lightspeed’s words were cut off as lightning flicked across his mouth, cutting it in half and flinging it away.

But it was too late.

“Kid Nitro!”

Franz blinked and he knew who he was and he was in his adult body though he was wearing his red sweatshirt and he wasn’t sure what that annoying sound was. He looked around the dusty plain and wondered what was going to happen next, except what was that sound? It burst through his head and…

Franz sat up on the couch with a gasp, the doorbell louder than he remembered.

“Hold on!” he called, before he thought that he might want to pretend he wasn’t home. Too late.

He rubbed a hand over his face and grabbed his sweatshirt off the floor. He picked off a few pieces of lint and put it on before shuffling to the door.

He had slept all night and the light shining around the curtains hinted at it being nearly noon. He wondered who had come to call on him, and spent a few seconds dreading the sight of police when he peered through the peephole, but all he could see was the top of a dark haired head.


Panoply at Amazon

Finally caught up with all my DVR’d episodes of Stalker. Seriously, I am obsessed with the show, pun intended. It’s one of those dramas that you want to catch from the first episode, and it’s a great show for mainlining–binge-watch it, it’ll hit all your taste buttons.

WARNING: There is a bit of a creep factor due to the whole stalking thing, so if you’re easily triggered, it might not be for you. Still, Beth’s backstory keeps me coming back for more. I cannot wait to see what happens next.


A cool thing: my dad is talking about putting together an outdoor studio for me. Sure, it will probably be a bit slapped together, because, you know, it’s us, but it’s still a very nice gesture and I find myself a bit excited. There’s a big chance that nothing will come of it, but if he really does follow through…

It will be nice to have somewhere to put together my paper crafts and store my supplies. The biggest drawback of living here is that I’m surrounded by smokers. There are some days when I feel like I’ve rolled around in an ashtray and I can’t help thinking that people can smell me from a mile away.

So to have a place of my own where I can do my work… It will change everything.

I will remain hopeful.


Title: Faizel II
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: vampire, mm, urban fantasy, dark fic
Summary: Charlemagne loves Faizel. Faizel is fond of Charlemagne. And Ewing feels like he’s watching a train wreck happen in slow motion.


“This is a nice place. You’re not worried someone’s going to find out I’m your dirty little secret?” There was a teasing bite to Faizel’s tone, one that made Ewing fight back a wince.

He’d been around enough couple-fights to recognize the warning signs. The minute someone threw a plate, he was leaving. Charlemagne was his friend, not his boss. Not yet anyway, an inner voice murmured, but he pretended not to hear it.

“I hate that I can’t show you the world as I would wish,” Charlemagne said. “You are what is most important to me. I want the world to know that I love you. But it’s too dangerous. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

“I promise you, I won’t be the one hurting,” Faizel said.

Ewing stared at his napkin, pretending to be enthralled by the micro-weave of the linen. Couple-fights were bad enough, but heartfelt romance was almost worse. He wouldn’t have felt as much like an interloper if he was watching them have sex–that was just master vampire exhibitionism. He’d learned how to pretend that he was watching, while really visualizing a play-by-play of his last quest in his favorite RPG.

There was no pretending to be far away when he could hear the emotion in Charlemagne’s voice. He could see that mask of a pleasant expression that Charlemagne wore, but he was also close enough to see the honest love shining in those blue eyes. It hurt to see Charlemagne be so naked, and have the subject of all that emotion be Faizel.

Ewing didn’t trust Faizel not to break Charlemagne just because he could. Yet he couldn’t say anything either, because Charlemagne was in no state of mind to listen. All Ewing could do was alienate his friend, and that wasn’t a direction he wanted things to go.

He’d decided that he would keep an eye on Faizel to make sure he wasn’t hurting Charlemagne. Unless he saw some active abuse, he wasn’t going to step in. No matter how creepy he thought Faizel was.

The best thing that he could do was to bite his tongue. He just worried that he was going to end up biting it clear off. Because while he thought Faizel was a scary vampire-eating monster, Charlemagne would never hear a word against him.

It was a relief when the waiter returned with their food. It gave Ewing something to focus on as he ignored the romantic love story unfolding in front of him. He tried not to imagine that he was watching the true life story of Mickey and Mallory Knox if they happened to be vampires.

My life has gotten strange, he thought, tasting a bright blue foam that exploded with flavor when he touched it to his tongue. But at least the food is good.


Curious to meet Faizel? Check out Faizel I on Smashwords or Amazon. It’s $0.99, yo.

The Way of the Househusband 01 at Amazon

Title: Caspian Dukes and His Best Friend’s Husband
Author: Harper Kingsley
World: Heroes & Villains
Frame set: Allies & Enemies, “Good Times”
Characters: Caspian Dukes, Vereint Georges, Warrick Tobias, Melissa Kim
Pairings: Vereint Georges/Warrick Tobias
Genre: friendship, superhero, meta
Summary: Vereint and Caspian go see a movie together.

Vereint was fun to hang out with. Caspian would definitely be open to the idea of doing it again.

“What do you think about this?” Vereint held up a brightly garish tee shirt with what might have been a purple unicorn-pony on the front. “You think I could get Warrick to wear this?”

“I will give you my complete Dragon Ball Z collection if you do,” Caspian said.

“I was not aware that you were a DBZ fan, but I’d be happy to take your collection.” Vereint tossed the shirt into the small shopping cart he was pushing. “Help me find something for Hank and then we can get out of here.”

“What are you looking for?” Caspian asked.

Vereint shrugged. “A mogwai would be cool, but other than that I don’t have a clue. He’s always the hardest one to shop for.”

“I see.” Caspian looked around, his eyes scanning the shelves overloaded with a mishmash of plushies, novelty toys, and bootleg DVDs. “Where do you want to start looking?”

“How about over there?” Vereint pointed toward a display of off-brand electronics. “He could use a new rice cooker.”

Caspian cocked his head. “You’re going to buy him a rice cooker from this place?”

“Why not?” Vereint asked.

“Uh.” Caspian wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say. Vereint had a ridiculous amount of money at his disposal, yet he was eying a $30 rice cooker like it was the Holy Grail of kitchen appliances. “It looks nice?”

“I think he’ll really like it.” Vereint opened and closed the lid on the test model, peering inside curiously, then grabbed one of the unopened boxes and put it in the cart. “He and Caroline have just moved into a new place and I never got around to getting them a housewarming gift. A rice cooker is the perfect thing, something that anyone can use.”

“Ah,” Caspian said intelligently. He looked at his watch. “What time does the movie start? And what do you plan on doing with all this stuff?”

“I’ll rent a storage locker near the theater,” Vereint said. “It’s no big deal. Let me pay and we can head on over there.” Caspian crossed his arms and waited near the door. Vereint said something that made the cashier laugh as she bagged his purchases. It brought a small smile to Caspian’s lips.

Vereint was a godsend. Before Warrick had met Vereint, he had seemingly been on a downward spiral. There had been a creeping sense of misanthropy as Warrick spoke of the people they were dedicated to saving, a barely restrained sneer of disgust.

Caspian had been worried about Warrick, but Vereint had cleared away those fears. He’d breathed new life and new hope into Warrick’s life, and as a result Blue Ice had become a better hero. It was a good thing.

I’m not gay, but I can see that he’s beautiful, Caspian thought.

That was the thing about Vereint: he didn’t flaunt his good things–they were simply a part of his face–but no one could resist him for long. Even when he did nothing overt, on entering a room Vereint drew every eye. He had a presence about him, one that could quickly become overpowering when all of that attention was focused directly on a person.

Vereint paid the cashier with his credit card, then pushed the shopping cart ahead of him out of line. Caspian was amused to see that the plastic shopping bags were opaque green with lurid red Asian writing printed on them. The letters spelled out SOUP.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Vereint said, pushing the cart past Caspian. “I don’t want to be late to the movie. If I don’t have time to get popcorn and snacks I’m going to scream.”

Caspian rolled his eyes with a grin. “Good to know.”

“A vague disclaimer is nobody’s friend,” Vereint said.

* * *
Check out “Allies & Enemies” at: All Romance Ebooks, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BookStrand, Goodreads, iTunes, Kobo, Less Than Three Press, Smashwords. — superhero, urban fantasy, mm, drama. Darkstar x Blue Ice.