Product Reviews

Panoply at Amazon

I am currently using the Scrivener for Windows beta. There’s still a few bugs to it, but I’m pretty sure it’s my new love. Used in conjunction with LibreOffice, it has become my new “thing.”

I use the note cards on the cork board to kind of outline my story as I write. I can also give myself a word target to reach during each session, and I can reset the target at any time, which is nice.

I’ve signed up for NanoWriMo this year and I really think Scrivener will help me and others. So if you’ve signed up, or even if you just like to write, hold onto the soon-to-be realized dream that Literature & Latte will have Scrivener for Windows up and available for purchase soon at the very reasonable price of $40. Nice.

Currently loaded into Scrivener:
“Allies & Enemies,” the sequel to “Heroes & Villains”
“The Panic Pure”