Real Life

The maple trees are sending out little white and yellow specks of dust. Just a rippling tide floating out of the air. Tiny dry specks that can be blown away.

I should write that. A society so advanced they use plants to breed. Your DNA added to some beautiful tropical flower and allowed to pollinate other flowers. Then a zygote for human implantation or budding pops out. To walk in and see a baby suspended in a large pod, floating nourished in a fluid filled pocket.

It’s like Aeon Flux in the connection to nature.

I wonder why people don’t breed plants as organic machines.
Genetically modified to do whatever we want naturally.

I’m not seeing living spaceships quite yet — how long can a giant clam hold its breath? — but I can imagine sting shooter plants, oxygen mask plants that fit over your face, and living houses with edible carpet and walls (think Chia with like hemp seed worthy growth.) People would never have to be hungry or homeless again.

Of course, before we have a bunch of botany miracles we need to be able to handle our pesticides. Our worst science seems to be the unsafe testing of chemicals and the release of horrible toxins without knowing the results. So I could imagine the horror of coming back to your house dead, one side just withered and nearly burned away.

And if you had a plant house, you’d have to be careful what you ran down the drain. The house would use your gray water as nourishment, so you would have to watch what soaps you used to keep from killing it with chemicals. Maybe it would always be richly oxygenated too? Though hopefully not to spark equals explosion levels.

Honestly, the future seems scary to me.


Read slashy plotty stories at Kimichee.


“Heroes & Villains,” an mm superhero action adventure novel, is coming out August 14th from Less Than Three Press.

The typical story of a boy dreaming of being a superhero … Then getting pissed off and throwing it all away to become the world’s most legendary supervillain.

Darkstar x Blue Ice.
You know you want some.

Allies & Enemies at Amazon

There are times when I’m completely manic.

You don’t realize how powerful it makes you feel. It’s like the really good drugs … And just like them it’s super dangerous. Like careening off a cliff dangerous.

One minute it’s all laughter packed into your chest, everything looks vibrant and bright, and you’re completely in love with yourself. You look in the mirror and you’re just BEAUTIFUL and you feel STRONG. And you go out partying or whatever and it feels like you can do no wrong and nothing will ever be able to hurt you.

Then somehow, all unknowing, the world changes — or maybe it’s you. You’re the one that changed.

And for a little while everything is too bright and too frightening before shrinking down to an expanse of solid gray. It crushes in on you before you catch your equilibrium and for some length of what feels like forever, you’re completely broken off from all that’s good.

And it takes a while to recharge, to climb back up to the heights of magnificence. Sometimes the gray tries to cling to you, to take away your every joy. But you have to find something you love and cling to it.

You need a reason to stay strong for when you’re screaming from the rooftops or hiding in your cellar. A dog, a friend, a family, or a lover.

You need something. Or it drives you manic.

Faizel 02 at Amazon

-Overalls. Seriously, they’re dorky, maybe a little ugly, but sometimes they just seem perfect.

There’s nothing like pulling on some overalls, my big clunky work boots, and just going out and digging around in the yard. There’s nature and dirt and just not giving a crap about anything but the moment.

-Been editing some projects, writing on others, and basically spending a lot of time by myself. I’m just grateful the sun decided to shine some because I needed to get out of the house and breathe some fresh air. So far it’s been great.

My dog has happily been chasing rabbits and running around all crazy. He likes having some company during his outdoor adventures.

Kahluah 2

There are so many things I’m grateful for. I try to hold those things close to ward off the things that try and bring me down.

A smile may start off fake, but it becomes real the more it’s used.

~ Pax

Prairie Fires at Amazon

Trailer For “Psycho Beach Party”
Vietnam Veteran Talks to Mitt Romney About Gay Marriage
Obama and Romney Tackle 14 Top Science Questions From Scientific American
Bill Clinton’s Full DNC Speech 2012


Trailer For Psycho Beach Party

The trailer makes it seem kind of over the top, but I actually really love this movie. Lauren Ambrose did an awesome job as Chicklet — which the trailer didn’t really highlight — a sweet and unintentionally hilarious character. Then the switch to Ann Bowman… wow. She is a great character actress.

For some reason, this movie was marketed as though it was an American Pie kind of movie, and it’s not. All the characters are pretty innocent and hyper-1960’s American TV people. Except there’s all these innuendos and every once and a while a character will have a “WTF?” moment as they realize something kind of sexual or raunchy just happened. It’s kind of like Pleasantville, though with a lot of silly humor.

This movie is also gay friendly, parodying a lot of the 1960’s beach movies. There’s a mystery to be solved, and a lot of hot guys that mostly go around with their shirts off. The murder is gruesome, but in a cartoonish manner. There’s a sexual identity crisis, multiple personality disorder, and tough women — the guys think they’re in charge, but the women are the ones going around doing everything. There’s a bit of raunch and some black humor, but as long as you can laugh about it things should be cool.



Vietnam Veteran Talks to Mitt Romney About Gay Marriage



Obama and Romney Tackle 14 Top Science Questions from Scientific American

So they went and answered some science questions. There’s a lot of politico spin on it and some definite… I don’t even know the word. Mitt Romney says he’s not a scientist and I believe him. But he is a politician, so I was still confused by his answers. Obama was a little more concise and to the point and I liked that a bit better than a long rambly answer that didn’t really answer anything.

They were both being the politician guys, which kind of disappoints me because I wanted some straight, honest answers. Science stuff is actually pretty important, and even if I’m personally too dumb to understand it… it’s still the kind of thing that shapes the way we live in the world today and tomorrow. And the President of the United States, as the Commander In Chief, is the guy that while he doesn’t know how to make flying cars himself, can point at some inventor dude and say “Get it done.” That or he’s supposed to know enough to say “This is stupid. Work on something that’s actually relevant. And please don’t tear up the environment while you do it. No more chopping down redwoods to make picnic tables.”

Here’s the link to the article:


Bill Clinton’s Full DNC Speech 2012

I didn’t see the speech as it played live because I was watching the movie Battleship (there will be a review of that coming soon) but I was kind of skimming the tweets. Then I tried to catch the rehash on CNN and they were just cutting it all up. So of course I went in search of the full speech.
