Real Life

I reloaded ScribeFire Classic. The new ScribeFire was very unhappy making, and since WordPress changed their settings so Semagic doesn’t work, I had to find something that would 🙁

ScribeFire has never been my favorite, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to what works, even if it is slow and ungainly and a pain to use.

Anyways, back to writing.

Heroes & Villains at Amazon

I’ve been trying my hand at watercolor painting. It has not been going well at all 🙁 While I have the eye of a great artist, I have the drawing/painting skills of a less than third grader. It is very sad.

There’s so many things I want to be able to do, so I get kind of sad when I try my best and it doesn’t come out very well. Still, I’m going to keep at it and hopefully I’ll find some kind of skill at it. If not, at least I’ll have enjoyed myself.

Fortress in the Eye of Time at Amazon

The house currently reeks of roasting turkey and Kahluah is going crazy.

We got a phone call from the half-brother I haven’t spoken to in close to 10 years. That’s pretty crazy right there. Crazy awkward, but good crazy too.

I guess the holidays really are about coming together. Though the kids are still a couple of jerks and next year is going to be different. Less presents if they’re going to keep acting so bad, and more time outs if they’re going to be such gigantic spoiled brats.

Anyways, it’s the holidays again, and even amidst the chaos and yelling, it’s still a time of family and all that jazz. So have a happy holiday and a wonderful New Year.

Small Gods at Amazon

So lately I’ve had tons of ideas. The problem is that every time I start to write, I get distracted by various things and then it’s impossible to come back to what I was doing. So lame.

I’ve still typed up some stuff, but it’s taking me longer to get to it than I would like.

“Altredes” is coming along very nicely. Is anyone else as excited as I am? There’s just something so entirely thrilling about gender benders. Sure, it’s gen het, but it kind of flexes against some boundaries and that’s always fun.

“The Panic Pure” should have already been finished, but these guys just keep getting up to crazy serial killer hijinks. No, the main characters aren’t killing people, but there is a psychopath out there. Danny is adorable though.

“Allies & Enemies” will be making a public appearance February-ish.

“Doggy Style” is making its way to paper, or something non-dead tree-like, you know, if that’s your thing 😉

“Tuesday Night” is getting pretty spicy. Sunfire/Seth has developed some hidden depths that I didn’t even know were there and some part of me is tempted to turn it into a kid!fic, though I’m holding myself back, because that way lies evil. Evil and nerdiness.