Real Life

I know it’s stupid. I know I’m completely Gump. But I can’t help it that I like this kind of thing. “I yam what I yam,” as Popeye would say.

For the price they’re charging for the digital download, your ass is getting cheated out of some $$$. I don’t care how fun this game is, it’s very short and not a whole lot happens here.

I didn’t really mind the price until I beat the whole game TWICE in one night. That’s when I realized I was a SUCKER. Still, there’s just something about stocking shelves, making people happy, and just basically running your own make believe supermarket chain that you just can’t help loving.

If you want to get this one, you’re better off shelling out for one of those super pack game bundles and getting it on a CD. For like $10 (or less) you can get this game and like 500 others all at one time. Much better deal.

rating: 3

Prairie Fires at Amazon

Really not all that bad. For serious.

We were sitting around mid-week, completely bored out of our minds (or at least, some of us were. Others were watching kdramas on Hulu and dreaming about flying to Korea to corrupt some youth.) Anyways, my dad put on “Season of the Witch,” a movie that had been on our Instant Queue for a ridiculous amount of time.

The movie opens up with the killing of a bunch of women accused of witchcraft and just keeps right on rolling. There was like no let up at all, it was just this fast-paced ride through a countryside ravaged by the Black Plague. And Behmen (Nicolas Cage) and his guy, Felson (Ron Perlman), are hot out of the Crusades and are charged with helping transport an accused witch for persecution.

If all the swinging of swords and chopping off of limbs in the first fifteen minutes didn’t catch your attention, that’s about when things went full-on action movie. There’s hallucinations, murder, mutilation, a crazed bridge crossing, and at the end of it all… yeah, I’m not going to ruin it for you. (If you want to ruin it for yourself, use the Internet. That’s what it’s there for: ruining the endings of good movies.)

So if you want to watch a movie, eat some popcorn, and maybe have something to yell about with your friends, check out “Season of the Witch.” It’s on Netflix streaming right now, if that’s what you’ve got.


Count Zero at Amazon

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Absolutely Fabulous
Starring: Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley, and Julia Sawalha

Summary: Follows the wild life of wealthy Edina, her best friend Patsy, and Edina’s straight-laced daughter Saffron. If you wanna know more about the show, here’s Wikipedia: AbFab, IMDB: AbFab.


Hogfather at Amazon

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Silly stuff: Is there some way I can be known as “Harper Kingsley, God MC” without knowing how to do anything? *~* Listening to “Conquest” by the White Stripes. I realize that it’s practically prehistoric, but it’s still on my playlist. Kind of hard to believe that someday it might be seen as “Classical music” by teens everywhere. *~* So true. You eat ONE White Castle Burger and you’re like “Ugh!” but THIRTY of them? That’s insane, man. “Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay” is on TV right now. Very nice 🙂 I love NPH, don’t you? *~* If anyone is interested in being given free copies of my stuff, let me know. I’m thinking about picking some pre-readers in return for BJs (just kidding!) [Not really.]

Real life: Nothing much here. Everything good happens in my head. I save all the bad stuff for real life.

by Sol Crafter
genre: mm contemporary romance
audience: ADULT

Summary: Two roommates are asked an incredibly awkward question — “So, what’s it like being in an ersatz homosexual relationship?” — which starts a whole bunch of trouble.