
All Systems Red at Amazon

News – July 26, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

5:46 PM

So this happened…

The US Justice Department on Wednesday argued in a major federal lawsuit that a 1964 civil rights law doesn’t protect gay workers from discrimination, thereby diverging from a separate, autonomous federal agency that had supported the gay plaintiff’s case.

The Trump administration’s filing is unusual in part because the Justice Department isn’t a party in the case, and the department doesn’t typically weigh in on private employment lawsuits.

But in an amicus brief filed at the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, lawyers under Attorney General Jeff Sessions contend that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans sex discrimination, does not cover sexual orientation.

"The sole question here is whether, as a matter of law, Title VII reaches sexual orientation discrimination," says the Justice Department’s brief. "It does not, as has been settled for decades. Any efforts to amend Title VII’s scope should be directed to Congress rather than the courts."

The Justice Department also contends that Title VII only applies if men and women are treated unequally.

From <>

I love that they’re like "Don’t worry. Everything’s probably going to be fine" at the end.

It’s great to say that. It’s great to say "Don’t panic." But what I really want to see is some true education.

Crazy shit is going on. I would prefer a clear, concise explanation of what stuff is being messed up, what stuff to ignore as fluff, and what we as voters can do to fix the various situations cropping up.

I’m tired of stressing out, then being told not to worry.

I worry because I’m human. I worry because I care about my fellow humans.

It just sucks that things in the federal government are currently going to crap.


Uramichi Oniisan 01 at Amazon

I’m going to the 2017 Solar Celebration in Madras, Oregon => <= to see the solar eclipse on August 21st. From what I understand, we’re going to be able to view the eclipse for a full two (2!) minutes.

It’s a once in a lifetime event.

Some dude said the next solar eclipse visible from America will be in 98 years. I don’t know if that number’s accurate, but I do know the next one isn’t for decades. So having this chance to see it from different locations in the continental US is amazing.

So I’m going to be in Madras, Oregon.

I’m going to see the eclipse.

I’ve been considering getting a vendor license, but it’s a lot of money.

I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime festival. I have no idea what to expect.

Plus I have no idea whose going. It could very well end up being my group alone in a field while a sad wanna-fest peters on in the background.

So while the thought of setting up a table and making a mini-fortune while sharing my artwork makes me lick my lips, I’ve gotta weigh the reality that I’m broke.

A vapor-fest would devastate things.


To be honest, I think seeing more people mentioning plans to visit the 2017 Solar Celebration festival would make me feel better. But it almost seems as though people aren’t clamoring to see the eclipse.

So weird.

Anyways, expect some eclipse mania.


Prairie Fires at Amazon

I splurged and bought steak. I’m not going to renew my UPS mailbox —
it’s too expensive and I don’t have enough money for it. I’m going to switch to a post office box. It’s a longer walk for me, but it’s much cheaper.

All I can think is that I got the UPS store mailbox so that I wouldn’t have to walk all the way down to the post office.

Is that irony? I don’t know.

Anyways, the Kid was away for spring break. He just got back, and I had to go to Seattle to pick him up from the airport. (BTW, he flew OUT via United, and I wasn’t that pleased with the service provided for an unaccompanied minor. Then on the way back he flew Southwest and he said it was great. Even that section of the airport was better — United’s gate has a good Chinese stir-fry place that’s affordable, but I guess Southwest has got a McDonalds from what the Kid said. Because sorry SeaTac, there’s no effing way I’m spending $8.99 for a sliced bread sandwich. It might be delicious, but I’m frugal as fuck.)

Since I’m not going to bother scrambling to cover my UPS box rent, we stopped off at Safeway to buy some food for dinner. And I saw rib-eye steak for $7.99.

So I thought, Why not?

I’ve been kind of a jerk of late. I know that I’ve been.

Then I feel sad that people aren’t all warm and huggy to me.

And I get all wrapped up in anxiety, so I can’t apologize.

And I feel bad and I’m lonely.

And I end up writing a lot of weird stuff I’m scared to share because I don’t think there’s a market for it.

And maybe it’s weird to paste all the hopes of a better world on a steak. But here’s hoping.