
Faizel 02 at Amazon

I don’t know why, but I’m madly in love with the gif accompanying this tweet:

[gif: a circle-jerk of clown shoes or/also a funny bit about the clowns meeting to circus, but Sarah’s on slow Wi-Fi so misses the group “Circus Yay!” shout, so everyone awkwardly waits, then once they hear her THE CLOWNING INTENSIFIES.]

So many metaphors man. So many uses for this gif. Expect many clown shoes in the future.

Metaphor/symbolism/premonition/dafuqery: He says stupid shit. The media all jump on sharing it. Things start flattening out. Fox News brings up the story in a bat-shit lying way and rile up their “unknowingly oppressed” viewers. Clowning fucking intensifies.

Man. I’m too old for this shit.


The Way of the Househusband 01 at Amazon
All Systems Red at Amazon