
PROMPT PIC: “Let’s Be Friends”

I picture a situation where two celebrities have a torrid romance, experience the monster wedding, then the passion flames out and they’re stuck. They were such a giant pop-culture phenomenon that getting divorced seems impossible.

They have to stay together for their fans.

* * *

They discover that they make great friends. The love comes back, but it’s a different kind of love, softer and not fueled by sex. A platonic love that lasts a lifetime.

They each find their separate partner, but they all live together on the same sprawling piece of property.

They maybe buy a ranch they hang out at. (Gives the excuse to use “Back on the ranch” legitimately.)

* * *

Or the one character remains in love with the other, and there’s much jealousy and dark passion. Especially when the new lover is introduced.

A. C2 goes into a jealous rage when C1 finds a new love.

A1. A Prince of Tides (?) scary situation.

A2. C2 goes a bit out of control, realizes error of ways, and goes to counseling. C2 storyline ends on a hopeful note, though a bit more humble.

B. C2 is hurt by C1, who precedes to have an awesome time. C2 gets over the breakup and finds a new love.

B1. C1 becomes jealous. Realizes that C2 is the love they want. C2 is still in love with C1, so gives a second chance. “Second Chance Love.”

B2. C2 really deeply loves new love. C1 gets jealous. Dark things happen, and the new love triumphs.

"Let's Be Friends" by Harper Kingsley

An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good at Amazon

I really dislike Windows 10. Why did they release it if they knew what a crapfest it is at the moment?

Last night my laptop refused to shut down. Today it took forever to start… And I had to hard reset it first.

Oh, and NOTHING WORKS. Seriously, none of my programs will open and I can’t shut my computer down. Which pretty much sucks.

I really wish I had waited to upgrade. I should have reserved my copy and kept on with what worked.

Is there any way to de-upgrade from Windows 10?

A City On Mars at Amazon

There is something very addicting about "Fallout Shelter." It’s one of those games where once you begin playing you just can’t seem to stop yourself. It might be because of the jangling coin sounds or it might be seeing the characters’ smiling faces, but once you begin playing it’s next to impossible to stop. It’s a game that really gets to you.

From what I understand, the actual "Fallout" series of games are very different. So you could be a fan of "Fallout Shelter" and not like the actual series, or you might be a "Fallout " fan that will be disappointed by the Sims-style app. Either way, do your research or take the plunge. Just don’t cry too much if your Android build isn’t robust enough to handle the challenge.

This game is addicting and your phone battery might thank you for deciding not to play it. It is definitely a battery drainer if you leave it running on the screen. But there’s something about playing the benevolent — or not so benevolent — overseer to a bunch of obedient drones.

Disability Visibility at Amazon

RE: Bob’s Burgers

I can see why the kids would prefer to play with Bob over Linda

He’s reading his paper and relaxing. The kids are free to plan things out for themselves and indulge their creativity with very little interference. When they need or want his attention, he’s right there to be called upon. And he’s always very easygoing with them.

"Would your mother let you do this?"

Meanwhile, Linda attempts to force fun on the kids. She overpowers every situation that she’s in.

Sometimes kids just want to play. If you’re the adult, you’re the passive audience.