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ink and colored pencil drawing of cute ice cream bar, cute milk, cute baby spoon, cute carton of milk, blue eyes, standing goose, purple unicorn, and cute 3-scoop ice cream cone

I drew all these different elements and stuck them together, only to have my brain try to come up with a story for why all these happenstances would take place.

Like Mickey wakes up to eat a breakfast of honey-sweetened oat cereal, then goes to meet his friend at the lakeside. Where his friend works as an ice cream salesman.

ink and colored pencil drawing of an ice cream cone with 3-scoops of:  :) chocolate, :D strawberry, x_x pistachio

While waiting for his friend, he eats an ice cream cone with three scoops of ice cream — chocolate, strawberry, pistachio — and walks around.

He sees a girl crying and goes over to find out what’s wrong. She’s lost her stuffed unicorn.

ink and colored pencil drawing of a stuffed purple unicorn with a red and yellow-orange striped mane and tail

He sees her unicorn near the playground, and gives it to the girl. She’s standing with her surprisingly attractive parent or caretaker.

Staring into bright blue eyes, he smiles.

ink and colored pencil drawing of a goose and human blue eye

“Hey,” he said.


He curled his big toes in his shoes and pressed the tips down. “Uh, you should take your daughter to feed the geese and swan.”

“We didn’t bring any bread.”

“Tell Brad — the ice cream man — that Mickey sent you for a piece of bread. He’ll give you some.”

“Thank you.”

Staring at that luminous smile, he could feel the heat burning in his cheeks and spreading down his neck. He felt a bit lightheaded. He never wanted the moment to end.


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The Way of the Househusband 01 at Amazon

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I’m so mad. Our postal driver refuses to deliver packages to us — leaving a note saying we have to go to the post office to get what we ordered. Which is annoying enough, but what really pisses me off is that we always have to wait until the next day. I can’t just walk to the post office and get my stuff now.

And I was really looking forward to getting the Sakura Pigma Micron pens I ordered:(

I’ve been drawing and I really want to start sharing, but even the Ultra Fine Point Sharpie I’ve been using blobs too much and the lines aren’t fine enough. It makes me very sad *wipes away a tear*

ink drawing ft flower blossoms, beads

So tomorrow morning it’s going to be a trek to the post office, and then I’ll see if the Sakura outliner pens are worth all the hype. (I hope they are!)

And if I get really good at drawing (or at least moderately okay, this is non-drawing me after all) I’ll be printing out some cool things and mailing them out. Things like bookmarks, greeting/postcards, etc., so if anyone buys a book direct from me, I can have something cool to throw in extra as a “Thanks for reading me”. Plus I’m kind of looking forward to the idea of doing a holiday card exchange or something.

At the very least, I want the Kid to be able to hand out cards at the end of the year to his teachers and the school staff thanking them for their hard work. They had to put up with him all year after all, and he’s noted for his inability to sit still.

* * *

Also, still working on HVU. There should be another update really late tonight/early Saturday morning. If the program doesn’t crap out on me again. Though I’ve found that if I publish as an html file in between working on it, even if the program crashes, my stuff is still saved.

“What? Saving your work?” – I know. My mind was completely blown.

I’m also still planning out the Ren’Py version of HVU. It’s part of the reason why I took up drawing after all, as I would like to have some artwork for people to stare at.

I love a good text-based game as much as the next person, but even Oregon Trail had the little tombstones to look at when the “You’ve died” message popped up.

So here’s to hoping that I get good enough that my game doesn’t suck.

ink drawing of flower blossoms and leaves; some parts colored in with colored pencil