Bully to ya

So… Elon Musk has offered to have Taylor Swift’s babies because he’s a fucking weirdo.

I just can’t help thinking that authors of the future will be writing science fiction "What-if" stories about that historical moment when a kid at Elon’s fancy private school pushed him down the stairs and he had to spend a significant length of time in the hospital.

And yeah, Elon has recounted the story before as an "A terrible kid at school tried to kill me"-anecdote. Which was later expanded with added information to "Elon was bullying a kid so hard about the kid’s parents’ divorce that the kid lost his shit and pushed Elon down the stairs."

And now, knowing what we know about the guy whose wealth originated from his father’s shares in a South African emerald mine during the apartheid era, we have to wonder "What-if" about the stair scenario and how it might have gone differently in a "better" timeline. Like the whole "If you could travel back in time to kill Hitler, but he was a baby, what would you do?" thought experiment.

It’s all about Thoughts and Prayers. A wishful wondering about how things could have happened to make a much better world for everyone.

~Harper Kingsley






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