A World of Madness; Restart the World;

Woking on my game, coming up with concept ideas.

My account: (https://harperkingsley.itch.io)

I’ll be posting my notes as I go.

A World of Madness

"A World of Madness" (https://harperkingsley.itch.io/awod current password: "behemoth") is my tester game. It’s where I’m planning out the format and colors (though the current color palette is eh) and how I’m going to make it happen.

Starts with "Impasse" and then the picking of a universe. The character "She" from Impasse is a ubiquitous character. She can be anyone. Or no one.

Currently there’s not much there, and that’s why the game is set to Restricted Access, but I think purchases can be made at this time. So I might add separate downloadable content.

As it is, as a browser playable game, feel free to click around. I even made a discussion board for it if anyone wants to help my html/css problems. (When a div is opened, the screen view doesn’t go to the top of the div. It just stays where it’s at. Very unhappy making for me. And the mobile view turns to landscape and the colors are off. Like way off.)

I’ve been making updates as I go along. It’s most definitely a work-in-progress. Though I’ve got a lot of ideas for the multiple storylines.

Restart: the World

She’d always seen the world in smears of color and soft detail. (Near-sighted with an astigmatism. It was the way it had always been.

  • She restarts the World. Everything is based on the way she perceived things. And she had bad eyesight.

People quickly realize that things are odd. Nothing is quite right, not just the noticeable color shifts but the feel of things. There was a palpable oddity to the world after The Phase Shift.

  • The Phase Shift — "The world had been attacked. Everything was changed. Human perception has been Shifted due to the interference of an alien virus."– the public is not to know what really happened. That the whole of reality has been restarted and reshaped. That everything they have always known is no longer real. They have been brought into a new and different place that reeked of familiarity. And they are to believe that it is home.

Smears of white clouds across a vibrant blue sky. The grass was shades of green all blended together with the occasional golden tuft rising high above, the puff-ball of seeds an odd [1-word, conglamation? conflagration? con-something put together] to minds expecting to see something different.


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